今年も MOON SPACE AGENCY "Pan" Sumi-kun と共に YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2016 (以下 HCS) にやってくるゲスト達の事前取材にカリフォルニアにやってきました!
Hello, this is MOONEYES Staff Hiro. This year, MOON SPACE AGENCY "Pan" Sumi and I went to California to collect footage for the YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2016 (HCS2016)!
まずは出来立てほやほやの HCS2016 Demo Reel をご覧ください。First, here's a short HCS2016 Demo Reel:
毎年一筋縄では行かない僕たちの USA Trip。USAでは毎日眠い目をこすりながらモーテルで Instgram や Facebook にその日の様子をリアルタイムに投稿してきました。今回では SNS でお伝えしきれなかった情報を一挙公開致します!ゲスト Car & Motorcycle の詳細は、来月発売になる MOON Int'l Magazine で特集致しますので、こちらも必見です!
Every year, our USA trip is not simple as we head all over to a number of show guest shops. Everyday we update Facebook or Instagram with where we visited. This year we have been using SNS on a daily basis to showcase guests and the show. Next month we will work on the next issue of Mooneyes International Magazine (MIM) that will feature guest cars and bikes for HCS2016.

Arie Vee

今年は H-D Knucklehead を持って来る Arie ですが、Born Free で噂になっていた車両は、サイケデリックな雰囲気もさることながら、ペイントやタンクの造形などひとつひとつのパーツもこだわっている様子が見られました。
The first day of our trip we headed to San Diego. There we visited show guest Arie Vee and his H-D Knucklehead. This custom motorcycle was built and displayed at Born Free 8 earlier this year in June. It has a psychedelic vibe from the color to the design.

Arie was a guest last year so we were familiar with his shop. This year, we wanted to shoot in a different location so we requested it and Arie took us to a place that was perfect.


On the second day, we headed to Santa Fe Springs. Home of MOONEYES USA and the famous MOONLINER. This was built by Jocko Johnson and featured an aircraft engine before Dean Moon swapped it out for a more conventional Chevy V-8 so he could test MOON Products on it. It was raced on the salt flats but for the most part it was an exhibition vehicle.

The MOONLINER was on exhibit at the NHRA Museum in Pomona, California for a number of years. It has also be on display at numerous car shows over the years. It has a long history and has been in the MOONEYES family for decades. We took photos of it in front of the MOONEYES Shop. I had the pleasure of sitting in the cockpit with the canopy closed. Unfortunately, it didn't move but it was still a splendid experience.

Pete Chapouris

Speaking of Pomona, we headed out there in the afternoon after shooting the MOONLINER. Our next stop was to see Pete Chapouris and his Ford Roadster. Pete has been a guest to HCS many times over the years with SO-CAL Speed Shop and the wonderful hot rods he's built. This year is a special car that's directly connected to Pete.

The photo session went smooth and we finished without any delay. On our way out, we ran into Grant from Born Free Show. He posed with the MAMOROH panel for us. Thank you very much! Grant will be at HCS this year as well so be sure to see the Born Free Show table at HCS2016.

Max Schaaf

The next morning at 4AM we left Southern California and headed up the 5 FWY towards the Bay Area. Our next stop was to visit Max Schaaf. He was a guest at HCS in 2008 so it's been 8 years and he is excited to be back in Yokohama this year with his H-D Panhead. This Panhead was built for Born Free 8 this year in June. While it almost looks too simple of a build as that's Max's style, upon closer inspection you begin to notice all the small details and superb craftsmanship that's been put into the bike.

Ryan Grossman / Vintage Dreams

The following day in Oakland, we visited Ryan Grossman of Vintage Dreams. Ryan was a guest last year at HCS2015 with an amazing vintage show bike called Quicksilver. This year, Ryan built an amazing chopper for Born Free 8 earlier this year in June. It's a 1947 H-D FL Exposed OHV. Everything on the bike is show quality from the pegs to the kickstand.

First we decided on where to go for the photo shoot. Ryan said he had the perfect place so we just followed him. By the way, a quick glance at Ryan's place and he had all kinds of things going on including a new motorcycle project that was already taking shape.

As we followed along with Ryan we slowly heading up into the mountains. The next thing we knew were in a cemetery.It was a very old place with tombs and tombstones from a very long time ago.

The photo shoot was complete and we finished up by midday. After we were finished we made our way back to Southern California.

Galpin Party

We arrived in the evening and went straight to Galpin Auto Sports for their VIP Party. There were many famous people there such as Gene Winfield and Robert Williams. It was a great party with lots of food, silent auction, cool cars and much more.

Kiyo's Garage

The next day we visited Kiyo's Garage. Kiyo's bike won the Top Builder Award at Born Free 8 this year in June. This show bike he built is also built for land speed racing and Kiyo has already tested it out at Bonneville and El Mirage this year.

Jeff Leighton

The following day we met up with Jeff Leighton. Jeff built this bike for Born Free 8 this year in June. It was selected as the Born Free 8 Best in Show. The 1942 H-D UL features elegant paint by Harpoon and cool fabricated and custom parts.

Chopper Dave & Rob Fortier

A last addition to the guest list is Chopper Dave and the bike he built for the Born Free 8 give-a-way. Initially the bike was a no-go as the winner of the bike lives in Canada and the bike was on its way. However, on the way it caught fire at a gas station and the cables and such were damaged. The new order brought the bike back to Chopper Dave's shop in Long Beach to get it repaired. This is when things changed. Now the bike will be coming to HCS2016.

Galpin Auto Sports

The next day, we revisited Galpin Auto Sports. This time it was for taking photo and video footage of Ed "BIG DADDY" Roth's Orbitron. This true classic custom show car originally built by Ed Roth will be at HCS2016 this year.

Dave Shuten brought the car outside for a test drive and checked to make sure everything is in working order for the trip to Yokohama.

Yaniv "NEEVO" Evan / Power Plant

In the afternoon, we headed to Hollywood to stop in and visit Yaniv Evan of Powerplant. This year, Yaniv's FXR will be a guest to HCS2016. Be sure to come and see this awesome machine.

そうそう Powerplant の裏駐車場には大きなアボカドの木があり、Neevo が何個かもぎ取ってくれました。アボカドがまず木になる事すら知らなかったし、やっぱりアメリカってすごいな。と感じる瞬間でした。

Steve Caballero

The next day we headed further south. This time it was a visit with Steve Caballero. Not only did we get a chance to take photos of his Triumph motorcycle we also got to witness his skills on a huge vert ramp. Topping it off, not only was it just one professional skateboarder but two! Wait, not only were there two pro skaters, these were two of the original Bones Brigade members. Yes, Steve Caballero and Mike McGill.

日本の事が大好きな Cab-san は今年も HCS で皆さんに合えるのを楽しみにしていました。


今年も豪華なゲストが YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW にやってきます。HCS Official Web サイトにもガンガン新着情報を更新していきますので、どうぞお見逃しなく!
MOON Space Agency Hiro.
Next thing you know, it will be the event. We are just about 2 months away from the 25th Annual Yokohama Hot Rod Custom Show 2016. November will be the month we release the special HCS2016 coverage in MOONEYES International Magazine (MIM). Be sure to get your copy and bring it with you to the show.
For the latest updates, please be sure to check out website or the official HCS2016 site.
Save the date. Sunday December 4, 2016 at Pacifico Yokohama from 8am to 5pm. One day, in door show!
Hope to see you all there. Thank you for checking my trip report.
MOON Space Agency Hiro