今年も MOON SPACE AGENCY "Pan" Sumi-san と共に YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2017 (以下 HCS) にやってくるゲスト達の事前取材の為カリフォルニアへ行ってきました。例年に比べ少し遅めの出張なのが功を奏してか毎日涼しいカラッとした陽気のカリフォルニアでした。
Hello! This is MOONEYES Staff Hiro.
Once again this year, I traveled to California with MOON SPACE AGENCY "Pan" Sumi to interview the guests for the YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2017 (HCS2017)! It was a late trip compared to the year before but luckily California's weather has been cool everyday.
We are moving as quickly as possible with the preparation for the Special guests and entertainments planned so that everyone can be Happy all day. We will be updating the HCS Official Website with new information, so please don't forget to check it regularly.
そしてお待たせしました!本日より公開の 26th Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2017 Demo Reel が公開になりました。この Demo Reel を見て少しでもドキドキ、わくわくして下さったらうれしいです!Show 開催まで残り1カ月半!今年の HCS も盛り上がりますよ!期待してください!Finally, the 26th Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2017 Demo Reel is released. It is my pleasure to present to you our preview of the show, which is sure to excite and get the heart pumping! There's only a month and a half left until the Show's opening! This year's HCS will be HOT! Please look forward to it!
そうそう一緒に同行した Sumi-san は今回の USA Trip で撮影した写真を使った HCS Guest 情報を満載にした、今までにない全く新しい冊子を製作すると息巻いております。こちらも近日情報をお伝えできると思いますので、お楽しみに!
Sumi, who accompanied along together, is also working hard to produce a completely new booklet with many information about the HCS Guests using photos that he has taken on this USA Trip. We'll be able to provide more information about it soon. It's going to be awesome!
So, let's begin 2017 MOONEYES STAFF Hiro's Trip Report!

Dynamite Joe

The first person we visited is Dynamite Joe, who was our Guest in Japan for 2013. He suggested the Joker Skate Shop in Huntington Beach, where he runs his business, as a photoshoot location. We went to the Shop with his son's H-D and 1938 HD Flathead which he'll be bringing to Yokohama this year.

His shop's wall is filled with skateboards all over and there were plenty of items necessary for skateboarding, such as clothing and goods, available right here. It was a large Shop with an overwhelming selection to choose from. While Sumi was busy taking photos I went browsing around the Shop. There were too many things that I wanted, which made it troubling …

This time he'll be bringing his 1938 HD Flathead to Yokohama. From the moment I saw it on his Instagram I really wanted to see it in person just once and my wish finally came true! Once I actually saw it I was blown away by the primary cover which he made himself. It's a stylish and cool part that I'd really want to have on my own Motorcycle too!

Coby Gewertz Chief Editor of Church Magazine

HOT ROD & CUSTOM & Lowrider を主とした正方形の形が特徴的な雑誌 Church Magazine の Chief Editor Coby の自宅へやってきました。
アートコレクターの Coby の自宅は、博物館級の Art が山の様にありました。Ed Big Daddy "Roth" の原画や Von Dutch の作品などもうとにかくすごい量です。日本人アーティストの作品も沢山ありました。そんな Coby と VANGO について色々な話を聞き、場所を変えて撮影を行いました。
After we finished Dynamite Joe's photoshoot we moved on to the afternoon photography session.
We went to the home of Coby Gewertz, Chief Editor of Church Magazine. A square-shaped magazine that focuses mainly on HOT ROD & CUSTOM & Lowrider. Coby is an art collector and there were tons of Museum class artworks in his house. He owns a great amount of collection, including original works by Ed Big Daddy "Roth" and Von Dutch. There were also many works by Japanese Artists. We listened to many stories about VANGO and changed location for the photoshoot.

While on our way to the photoshoot location I was able to ride inside and it was incredibly comfortable. The Econoline sits very low. The interior is made out of Wood and the front has a recognizable characteristic and there are plenty of details that can be seen closely.

Japan Classic Car Show

The 2nd Day started at JCCS. Since the guest's place is in the same area as the show we went in the morning. This is the second time coming to this EVENT and there were large Manufacturer Booths and exhibition of Japanese Motorcycles and it was exciting this year too. I controlled my feelings of excitement and we went ahead to the next photoshoot location.

The Cutrate Oliver Jones

Today's photoshoot is Oliver Jones from The Cutrate. It's been a while since we last visited his Shop. His latest FXR creation has an impressive police cowl and is both turbocharged and powered by NITRO. It's a Motorcycle that has custom touches which are clearly different to other custom builds. Although the bike is unique it is still identifiable as Oliver's work with the Black Skeleton exterior, made using acrylic, which made us feel the same theme. This is one bike to look forward to during the Ride In.

Dave Polgreen

In the afternoon we went to meet Dave Polgreen of Wretched Hive who will be a guest for the first time. Dave has visited HCS every year but his dream is to come to HCS as a guest.
Born Free Show で見事 Best of Show を獲得した、この Motorcycle は全体的にクリーンな作りながら、リンカートのツインキャブにマグニトーのセットアップで走りも意識した作りになっていました。ここでも Dynamite Joe が製作した プライマリー カバーが使用されており、本気で欲しくなりました。実際走行シーンの撮影の為に走ってもらいましたが、エンジンの調子もよく、スムーズに撮影が進みました。This Motorcycle won the Best of Show at the Born Free Show and it is a clean build with many thought put into it from the Magneto setup to the Linkart's twin cab. Also used on this bike is a primary cover made by Dynamite Joe. It just made me really want it even more. For the video filming we asked him to ride it and the engine's condition was good throughout the riding scene and filming progressed smoothly.

Loser Machine Damin Lujan

After we finished the photoshoot the next morning, we went to Loser Machine, Damin Lujan's house. It was a quiet residential area and I began to wonder if the Motorcycle would be in such a place but then we arrived at an enormous house. When the shutter of the garage opened there was a 1960 El Camino that he drives and a VW Type-1! Further inside the garage was the Triumph.

Sony Boy was responsible for the 60's paint job. Because the muffler is thin he was riding with an explosive roaring sound and it was really wild… He is fan of MOONEYES and he was really glad about coming to Japan. I'm looking forward to seeing him again in Yokohama!

Steve Van Doren

We are now finally at the turning point of our USA Trip. Unlike the previous locations we arrived nervously with anticipation at the head office of VANS in COSTA MESA. Yes, we came to meet Steve Van Doren, the person who has been spreading the charm of VANS all over the world. Inside the head office of VANS was like the campus of a university, with a cafeteria and an OPEN space. We were surprised with this concept style that we don't usually find in Japan.
そして MOONEYES の Official インスタグラムにて先行公開した VANS X MOONEYES Special Big Half Cab。この Big Size は販売しませんが、今年は HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW より VANS X MOONEYES Half Cab の販売がスタートとなります。VANS X MOONEYES Special Big Half Cab that was previewed on MOONEYES Official Instagram. We don't sell this Big Size but for this year's HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW the VANS X MOONEYES Half Cab will be on sale at the venue.
価格、サイズ等詳しい詳細は HCS Official Website にて公開致しますので、今しばらくお待ちください!また、チラリと見えている VANS X MOONEYES ソックス。こちらもまだ内容はお伝えできなのですが、面白い企画を検討中です!さらに会場限定の SLIP ON の全貌も、もう少しでお伝えできるかと思いますので、楽しみに待っていてください!Details such as price, size and other information will be updated on the HCS Official Website, so please be patient! Also the VANS X MOONEYES socks were sneaked into the photo. I cannot disclose the content, but we are planning a fun project! Furthermore a full picture of the SLIP ON limited to the venue will be updated soon, so please wait for the details!

Thompson Cycles Bryan Thompson

And Bryan Thompson's 1955 Triumph Pre-Unit that was displayed in the office will also be coming to Yokohama! Please look forward to the Triumph that has been built cleanly with VANS details such as the checker seat, tail lamp, grips, and lettering on the tank!

Steve Caballero Pro Skateboarder

The next day we went to meet Steve Caballero who came to Japan as a guest for the previous year. The "Half Cab" is a signature model of the Legendary Skateboarder. That Half Cab is collaborating with MOONEYES for this year and Mr. Cab will be promoting it as a model. And this turned into a Superb project. This time we have taken photos and videos for the promotion that will be updated at a later date.
実は7月にCab-sanが来日した時にサンプルのシューズをお見せしていて彼は大興奮!今回ようやく最終サンプルが出来上がった Half Cab を実際に履いてスケートをし、その感触を確かめてもらいました。2016年の HCS では大きく話題になった VANS X MOONEYES。今年はさらにパワーップして HCS2017 に登場します!
Actually when Mr. Cab came to Japan in July we showed him the sample of the shoes and he was really excited about it! And this time finally we showed him the finished sample of the Half Cab and he wore it and skate to check the comfort. In 2016, VANS X MOONEYES became a big hot topic at HCS. For this year we will power-up further for the arrival at HCS2017!

Cycle Zombies Big Scott

For the past few years each New Motorcycle from Cycle Zombies has participated at HCS and this year they will be coming again to HCS2017! During the making of the poster the bike was still just a frame but now we can finally announce it to everyone.

This time Big Scott built a 1954 H-D Panhead. It wears a faded paint with yellow pearl and the highlight is the handmade fish tail. The garage that moved to a larger warehouse had many vintage parts. Once again this year at Cycle Zombies booth there will be items on sale so please look forward to it!

Ringo Chop Shop Martin Carlgren

In the afternoon we were informed that Ringo Chop Shop's 1947 Husqvarna V-Twin, which was displayed at the Brooklyn Invitational Custom Motorcycle Show in New York, arrived back at the SHOP in Roland Sands. So we went to shoot it.
このバイクの見どころはなんといっても Husqvarna のエンジン。なんと製造されなかったエンジンの設計図を元にエンジンを作ってしまったという凄まじいストーリーを持った Motorcycle。Born Free Show で Best of Invited Builder になったのも頷けます。各ディテールの造形も素晴らしいので、Show 会場で、じっくり見て見てください。
The best visual highlight of this bike is the Husqvarna's engine. Surprisingly this Motorcycle has tremendous story about the engine that was made from a blue print that was not manufactured. I can agree why this bike won the Best of Invited Builder for the Born Free Show. Every build detail is wonderful, so please observe carefully at the Show Venue.

DicE Magazine Matt Davis'
1968 HD Shovelhead "Matt's Bike"

For the final day we went to the home of Mr. Dean of DicE Magazine, to shoot DicE Magazine Matt Davis' beloved 1968 HD Shovelhead. We heard of his sudden passing in early 2017. To show respect for his achievement and contribution to HCS, his Motorcycle will come to Japan. Please keep a memory of this Motorcycle which has spent its time together with Matt. We have collected many stories about this bike from Mr. Dean, who spent many years with him, and from Mr. Steven who customized the bike.

Thank you for reading it until the end.
この USA Trip が終わると、いよいよ YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW が本格的に始動していきます。会場限定の Limited Item の情報ももうすぐ皆様にお知らせできそうです。After this USA Trip, the YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW will really start to get active. We can almost announce the Limited Item at the venue as well.
ショー開催まで残り 1カ月半。次はパシフィコ横浜でお会いしましょう!
The opening of the show is 1 and a half month away. Let's meet at Pacifico Yokohama!