Dec. 2, 2018 at Pacifico Yokohama
2018年12月2日にパシフィコ横浜にて YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW を開催致しました。"Cherish Our Kulture – 大切に – Tai setsu ni" 自分達の Kulture を大切にしようという意味を込めた言葉を掲げ、1年を通じて皆様のご協力を頂きました。
2014年から始めた2輪での会場への来場禁止、及びみなとみらい地区への侵入を抑止するキャンペーンも5年目となり、なぜこのような事になったのか知らない方も増えてきたなか、世界中の皆様が情報の伝達、Instgram への投稿を行って頂いたおかげで、今年も会場外は Shizuka な一日となり、素晴らしいショーを開催する事ができました。
過去最大の来場者となり、凄まじい熱気に包まれた一日を Event Report として配信致しました。ご来場頂いた方も、残念ながら来られなかった方も、是非お楽しみください。
YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW was held at Pacfico Yokohama on Sunday 2 December 2018. Throughout the year we got many suapports to hold up the campaign of "Cherish Our Kulture – 大切に – Tai setsu ni". It is now a 5th year from 2014, keeping the campaign to deter the prohibiting the two-wheeled vehicle riding to the venue (Pacifico Yokohama) and Minato Mirai area. Some people might not know how this campaign started but, by everyone posting and sharing the information by the Instagram, this year, outside the venue was Shizuka and accomplished the wonderful show.
Thank you for your support.
This year had the largest number of visitors and we have release the Event Report with the Hot excitements at the day. Even those who visited and, unfortunately those who could not come, please enjoy the Event Report.
Report はこちら
2014年から始めた2輪での会場への来場禁止、及びみなとみらい地区への侵入を抑止するキャンペーンも5年目となり、なぜこのような事になったのか知らない方も増えてきたなか、世界中の皆様が情報の伝達、Instgram への投稿を行って頂いたおかげで、今年も会場外は Shizuka な一日となり、素晴らしいショーを開催する事ができました。
過去最大の来場者となり、凄まじい熱気に包まれた一日を Event Report として配信致しました。ご来場頂いた方も、残念ながら来られなかった方も、是非お楽しみください。
YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW was held at Pacfico Yokohama on Sunday 2 December 2018. Throughout the year we got many suapports to hold up the campaign of "Cherish Our Kulture – 大切に – Tai setsu ni". It is now a 5th year from 2014, keeping the campaign to deter the prohibiting the two-wheeled vehicle riding to the venue (Pacifico Yokohama) and Minato Mirai area. Some people might not know how this campaign started but, by everyone posting and sharing the information by the Instagram, this year, outside the venue was Shizuka and accomplished the wonderful show.
Thank you for your support.
This year had the largest number of visitors and we have release the Event Report with the Hot excitements at the day. Even those who visited and, unfortunately those who could not come, please enjoy the Event Report.