USA Trip Report & Demo Reel
MOONEYES Hiro が、今年も HCSの為に来日するゲストたちの事前取材の為、California へ Trip。今年も Photo & Film Shooting をなんとか一人でこなし、先日日本に帰国しました。1週間の弾丸撮影 Trip を Report として配信致しましたので、ぜひお楽しみください。
MOONEYES Staff Hiro has gone to California Trip to Interview the HCS2019 Guest! Photo & Film Shooting is managed on his own again and came back to Japan a few days ago. It was a quick 1-week photo & film shooting Trip but, Trip Report is now posted so, please enjoy it.
MOONEYES Staff Hiro has gone to California Trip to Interview the HCS2019 Guest! Photo & Film Shooting is managed on his own again and came back to Japan a few days ago. It was a quick 1-week photo & film shooting Trip but, Trip Report is now posted so, please enjoy it.
そしてお待たせしました! 28th Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW Demo Reel が完成!この Trip で撮影した動画を詰め込んだ今年もワクワクさせてくれる内容に仕上がっています。 HCS まで残りわずか。Trip Report と Demo Reel をチェックして、開催日までもう少しお待ちください!
Thank you for waiting! Finally, 28th Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW Demo Reel is completed!! The films taken during the Trip are filled in the Demo Reel and it will definitely excite you! Check out the Trip Report and Demo Reel together and wait for the day of the event!
Trip Report is HERE
Thank you for waiting! Finally, 28th Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW Demo Reel is completed!! The films taken during the Trip are filled in the Demo Reel and it will definitely excite you! Check out the Trip Report and Demo Reel together and wait for the day of the event!