Dec. 1, 2019 at Pacifico Yokohama
2019年12月1日(日)にパシフィコ横浜にて YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW を開催致しました。今年で6回目になるキャンペーン。最初のキャンペーンスタートから5年経ち、主催する我々も含め、常に YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW が存続危機にあるという意識が低くなっているなか、もう一度原点に戻り "Shi Zu Kani" / "Keep Calm and Stay CQQL" として活動してまいりました。今年もショー当日2輪での来場は禁止とさせて頂きましたが、このカルチャーを守りたいという、世界中の皆様が今年も情報の伝達、Instagram への投稿を行って頂いたおかげで、今年も例年通り会場周辺はいつもと変わらず静かな一日となり、皆様の沢山ご協力により素晴らしいショーを開催することができました。ありがとうございました。
来年もまた皆様と一緒にこの Kulture を楽しむ為に、ご協力をお願いする事がありますが、引き続きよろしくお願い致します。
19,000人の来場者(海外 1,900人) が世界各国から訪れ、今年も凄まじい熱気に包まれた、28th Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2019。Event Report を配信いたしましたので、 ご来場頂いた方も、残念ながら来られなかった方も、是非お楽しみください。
On 2019 December 1st (Sun) at Pacifico Yokohama, YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW was held. This year is the 6th year for the campaign. 5 years have passed from the start of this campaign and as an organizer awareness is getting low that the YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW facing difficulty surviving so, we returned to the origin and worked for "Shi Zu Kani" / "Keep Calm and Stay CQQL”. On the day of the show, we have prohibited the enter by 2-wheels again this year. Thanks to everyone from all over the world who want to save this culture and spread the information by posting on Instagram. Because of everyone’s cooperation, this year was also quiet like the recent years and we were able to hold this wonderful show by everyone’s great support and cooperation. Thank you very much.
To enjoy this Kulture together for next year, we would appreciate your continued support.
There were 19,000 spectators (from overseas 1,900 people) who came from all over the world and, this year's 28th Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2019 was filled with tremendous enthusiasm. Event Report is now released so, please enjoy it for both those who came and unfortunately could not come.
Event Report is Here
来年もまた皆様と一緒にこの Kulture を楽しむ為に、ご協力をお願いする事がありますが、引き続きよろしくお願い致します。
19,000人の来場者(海外 1,900人) が世界各国から訪れ、今年も凄まじい熱気に包まれた、28th Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2019。Event Report を配信いたしましたので、 ご来場頂いた方も、残念ながら来られなかった方も、是非お楽しみください。
On 2019 December 1st (Sun) at Pacifico Yokohama, YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW was held. This year is the 6th year for the campaign. 5 years have passed from the start of this campaign and as an organizer awareness is getting low that the YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW facing difficulty surviving so, we returned to the origin and worked for "Shi Zu Kani" / "Keep Calm and Stay CQQL”. On the day of the show, we have prohibited the enter by 2-wheels again this year. Thanks to everyone from all over the world who want to save this culture and spread the information by posting on Instagram. Because of everyone’s cooperation, this year was also quiet like the recent years and we were able to hold this wonderful show by everyone’s great support and cooperation. Thank you very much.
To enjoy this Kulture together for next year, we would appreciate your continued support.
There were 19,000 spectators (from overseas 1,900 people) who came from all over the world and, this year's 28th Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2019 was filled with tremendous enthusiasm. Event Report is now released so, please enjoy it for both those who came and unfortunately could not come.