It's been 10 Years.
Be Calm & Not Loud
Shi Zu Ka Ni
One More Time.
2014年のShizukaniから10年, 時が経つに連れ記憶も薄れて行きます。風化させない為にもここでもう一度 Be Calm & Not Loud Shi Zu Ka Ni にご協力ください。12月3日(日) にパシフィコ横浜で今年も素晴らしいショーを開催できるよう、皆様のご協力を何卒宜しくお願い致します。
HCS2023 今年のOfficial ハッシュタグは
#hcs2023, #31sthcs2023, #shizukani31sthcs, #becalmnotloud, #savetheyokohamahotrodcustomshow
HCS2023 "Shi Zu Ka Ni" キャンペーン スタートです。
10 years after the Shizukani 2014 at the time passes people's memory gets faded. To keep in everyone's mind Be Calm & Not Loud Shi Zu Ka Ni, One More Time. Let's make the wonderful show on Sunday, December 3rd at Pacifico Yokohama. Thank you very much for your continuos support and cooperation.
Official Hashtag for HCS2023 is
#hcs2023, #31sthcs2023, #shizukani31sthcs, #becalmnotloud, #savetheyokohamahotrodcustomshow
HCS2023 "Shi Zu Ka Ni" campaign is starting.
Please support us to spread this campaign.
HCS2023 今年のOfficial ハッシュタグは
#hcs2023, #31sthcs2023, #shizukani31sthcs, #becalmnotloud, #savetheyokohamahotrodcustomshow
HCS2023 "Shi Zu Ka Ni" キャンペーン スタートです。
10 years after the Shizukani 2014 at the time passes people's memory gets faded. To keep in everyone's mind Be Calm & Not Loud Shi Zu Ka Ni, One More Time. Let's make the wonderful show on Sunday, December 3rd at Pacifico Yokohama. Thank you very much for your continuos support and cooperation.
Official Hashtag for HCS2023 is
#hcs2023, #31sthcs2023, #shizukani31sthcs, #becalmnotloud, #savetheyokohamahotrodcustomshow
HCS2023 "Shi Zu Ka Ni" campaign is starting.
Please support us to spread this campaign.