各国のDoorもWide Openとなりました。世界中の人々が自由に「再会を喜び」また「新しい出会い」を楽しむ為、今年もパシフィコ横浜を目指します。
皆でHCS(Hot Rod Custom Show)を楽しみましょう!
そう、2024年は、Fun Together! です。
HCS2024 今年のOfficial ハッシュタグは
#32ndhcs2024, #funtogetherhcs2024, #tanoshimimashohcs2024, #savetheyokohamahotrodcustomshow
HCS2024 "Fun Together" キャンペーン スタートです。
This year we finally got liberated from the [Restrictions on Actions] and each country's Door is now Wide Open. To allow people around the world to [Fun the Reunion] and Fun [New Encounters] freely, we are once again aiming for Pacifico Yokohama this year.
Let's have Fun Together at HCS(Hot Rod Custom Show)! Yes, 2024 is Fun Together!
Official Hashtag for HCS2024 is
#32ndhcs2024, #funtogetherhcs2024, #tanoshimimashohcs2024, #savetheyokohamahotrodcustomshow
HCS2024 "Fun Together" campaign is starting.
Please support us to spread this campaign.