32nd YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2024 の会場 MAP が完成!さらに今年は会場内のロケーションNO、出展者一覧を検索できるようになりました。気になるショップは事前に場所をチェックしておいてください。ショー当日の会場入場口には、特大サイズの MAP と、お持ちのスマートフォンで 会場MAP / 出店者様 / SHOP List ページに飛ぶための QRコードを掲示しております。是非ご活用ください。
The 32nd YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2024 MAP is completed!! Moreover, from this year you can search the Location No. and Shop name from the exhibitor list. If you have a favorite shop, you can check it out beforehand. On the day of the show, there will be a large MAP on display and we will also have a QR code so, you can check the Map and the Shop list with your smartphone. Please make good use of it.
Guide Map / Shop list
The 32nd YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2024 MAP is completed!! Moreover, from this year you can search the Location No. and Shop name from the exhibitor list. If you have a favorite shop, you can check it out beforehand. On the day of the show, there will be a large MAP on display and we will also have a QR code so, you can check the Map and the Shop list with your smartphone. Please make good use of it.