2025年12月7日(日)にパシフィコ横浜で 33rd YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2025(以下HCS2025) を開催します。HCS2025 Catch そして HCS2025 Spotlight が決定しました。Event の詳細は随時更新していきますので、定期的なチェックをお願いいたします。
On Sunday, December 7th, we’ll host the 33rd YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2025(HCS2025), at Pacifico Yokohama. HCS2025 Catch and the Spotlight has been decided. The details of the event will be updated so, please check it regularly.
HCS2025 Catch
"C’mon and Join the Fun!!"
12月7日(日)にパシフィコ横浜にて、33rd YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2025(以下HCS2025) を開催します!1Day という時間の中、会場内のありとあらゆるエリアで同時多発的に巻き起こる熱気を、是非ご一緒に楽しみましょう!!日本、いや世界中の至る所で、既にHCS2025に向けて走り始めています。
今年も会場への二輪のご来場は禁止です。ルールを守って HCS2025 という時間と空間をお楽しみください!!
HCS2025 今年のOfficial ハッシュタグは
#hcs2025 #33rdhcs2025 #cmonandjointhefunhcs2025 #savetheyokohamahotrodcustomshow
On Sunday, December 7th, we’ll host the 33rd YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2025(HCS2025), at Pacifico Yokohama! In just 1 Day, the excitement will explode across every area of the venue, so C'mon and Join the Fun!! People from all over Japan, and even the world, have already started gearing up for HCS2025.
Motorcycle access to the venue is prohibited again this year. Let’s all follow the rules and enjoy the MQQNTASTIC time and space that HCS2025 brings!
HCS2025 Official Hashtag
#hcs2025 #33rdhcs2025 #cmonandjointhefunhcs2025 #savetheyokohamahotrodcustomshow
Please help us to spread this campaign.
1. Car Show Spotlight
It’s all started from Shun
40 Years of Hot Rodding in Japan
2025年、40周年を迎えた "Deuce Factory Japan" 。日本の Hot Rodding の歴史は、Shun Kasai という人物をなくして語れません。今回は、周年を記念した企画として、Ford モデルT(1908年)から1934年までの Hot Rod がパシフィコ横浜に集まります。Shun Kasai が愛する Traditional Style の Hot Rod, Street Rod が対象となります。(写真、書類選考あります)
In 2025, 'Deuce Factory Japan' will celebrate its 40th anniversary. The history of Hot Rodding in Japan cannot be told without mentioning Shun Kasai. As part of the anniversary celebration, Hot Rods from the Ford Model T (1908) to 1934 will gather at Pacifico Yokohama. The focus will be on Traditional Style Hot Rods and Street Rods that Shun loves. (Photo selection will be required)
2. Motorcycle Show Spotlight
"Love Peanut!"
Peanut Tank Extravaganza!
全てが曲線で構成され、タンクのチョイスとして王道且つ、セット位置で印象を大きく変えられる "Peanuts Tank"。 2025年の Motorcycle Show Spotlight 企画は、 Peanuts Tank 装着車両が対象となります。メーカー、車種問いません。(写真、書類選考あります)
Completely composed of curves, the 'Peanuts Tank' is a classic choice for tanks, and its position on the bike can dramatically change the overall impression.
The 2025 Motorcycle Show Spotlight will feature a Chopper equipped with the Peanuts Tank.
It doesn’t matter the manufacturer or model. (Photo selection will be required)
3. Custom Paint Contest Spotlight
"It's not just a poster! It's a Dream!"
Create your own Dream Inspiring Poster!
実在のイベントでも架空のイベントでも構いません。イベント告知のツールとなるポスターを Own Idea で、世界に一つしかないイベントポスターをペイントで表現してください。
横 364mm x 縦515mm の同条件で、上部の左右で壁に掛けられるよう制作してください。(今回は、展示エリアの都合上、規定数に達した時点で締切とさせていただきます)
The theme for this custom paint contest is 【Event Poster】
It can be for a real event or an imaginary one. Using your own idea, create a one-of-a-kind event poster in paint that serves as a tool for event promotion.
The poster should be created with dimensions of 364mm(14-1/2”) in width and 515mm(20-3/4”) in height, designed for hanging on the wall from both the left and right sides at the top. (Please note that due to space limitations in the exhibition area, the contest will close once the set number of entries is reached.)