今年のイベントのキャッチコピーは、“Peace (ピース)“。皆で一体となり協力し合って、この状況が少しでも良くなっていって欲しいという願いを込めての “Peace” です。今年もワクワクするような新しい企画をご用意しております!12月4日(日)パシフィコ横浜にて、素晴らしい ショーカー&モーターサイクル、そして皆様に笑顔でお会いする事が出来るよう準備を進めて参ります。開催に向けて、皆様のご協力を何卒宜しくお願い致します。
HCS2022 今年のOfficial ハッシュタグは
#hcs30th2022, #peacehcs2022, #savetheyokohamahotrodcustomshow
HCS2022 "Peace (ピース)" キャンペーン スタートです。
Hoping that the world's situation will move in the right direction, this year's campaign is "Peace", let there be "Peace". We are planning exciting events, and starting to prepare to see wonderful show cars & motorcycles and meet everyone with smiles at Pacifico Yokohama on Sunday, December 4th. Thank you very much for all your support and cooperation.
Official Hashtag for HCS2022 is
#hcs30th2022, #peacehcs2022, #savetheyokohamahotrodcustomshow
HCS2022 "Peace" campaign will start.
Please support us to spread this campaign.
HCS2022 今年のOfficial ハッシュタグは
#hcs30th2022, #peacehcs2022, #savetheyokohamahotrodcustomshow
HCS2022 "Peace (ピース)" キャンペーン スタートです。
Hoping that the world's situation will move in the right direction, this year's campaign is "Peace", let there be "Peace". We are planning exciting events, and starting to prepare to see wonderful show cars & motorcycles and meet everyone with smiles at Pacifico Yokohama on Sunday, December 4th. Thank you very much for all your support and cooperation.
Official Hashtag for HCS2022 is
#hcs30th2022, #peacehcs2022, #savetheyokohamahotrodcustomshow
HCS2022 "Peace" campaign will start.
Please support us to spread this campaign.