USA Trip Report & HCS2018 Demo Reel
MOONEYES STAFF の Hiro が今年も YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW のゲストに会うためにカリフォルニアへトリップ! 撮影の裏話満載の Trip Report と HCS2018 Demo Reel を配信致しました!開催まで残り2か月となった HCS2018。Demo Reel と Trip Report をチェックして、しっかり予習しておいてください!
MOONEYES STAFF Hiro went trip to California to meet the guests for YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW again this year! Demo Reel and Trip Report with some secret stories are now released! 2 more months until HCS2018. Check the Demo Reel and Trip Report and prepare for the day!
Trip Report is Here
MOONEYES STAFF Hiro went trip to California to meet the guests for YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW again this year! Demo Reel and Trip Report with some secret stories are now released! 2 more months until HCS2018. Check the Demo Reel and Trip Report and prepare for the day!