HCS2019 Report & Gallery Menu
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"Experience The Fabulous" Extraordinary & Unusual "K"ustom
HCS2019 Car Show Spotlight は "K"ustom にスポットを当てました。国内屈指のビルダーが制作した Kustom が多数集まり、有名な車両も多く展示され、華やかなエリアとなりました。Spotlight のタイトル通り、非日常的な空間を楽しめたのではないでしょうか? 今回 "Experience The Fabulous" Extraordinary & Unusual "K"ustom で見事 Award を獲得したのは、 Strongers Kar Klub / Mr. Tsutsui の 1962 Pontiac Grad Prix "Grand Blue" に決定いたしました!おめでとうございます!
HCS2019 Car Show Spotlight is “K”ustom. Many Kustoms built by the best builders were gathered and many famous cars were exhibited and it was a fabulous area. Many Kustoms produced by some of the best builders in Japan gathered, and many famous vehicles were exhibited. The Award winner for the "Experience The Fabulous" Extraordinary & Unusual "K"ustom is Strongers Car Club / Mr. Tsutsui’s 1962 Pontiac Grad Prix "Grand Blue”! Congratulations!

Car Show
久しぶりに Car Show エリア から Best of Show Automobileが出た HCS2019。国内最大級のインドアショーの名にふさわしい Custom Car が集まりました。ここからまたさらに進化を遂げる車両もあると聞いていますので、来年の YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW が楽しみです。
After all this time, from the Car Show Area, Best of Show Automobile finally appeared in the HCS2019. Many amazing Custom cars was gathered, that is worthy of the name of the largest indoor show in Japan. We have heard that there are automobiles that will have further evolution so, please look forward to the next year’s YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW.

International Village
International Village には、今年もアジア、オーストラリア、USA、ヨーロッパなど、世界中の Shop が集まりました。バラエティー豊かなアイテムに、Shopの雰囲気と、ベンダーブースとはまた違った Internationl な雰囲気のあるこちらのエリアは、日本なのにも関わらず、多くの海外のお客様が来場されていました。海外の オープンな Shop の方々は、他の Shop 同士や、お客様との会話を楽しんでいて常に賑やかな、名前の通り International な Villageでした。
Again this year at the International Village Area, many Shops from overseas were gathered such as Asia, Australia, the USA, and Europe. This area has a different atmosphere to the vendor booth and various items and atmosphere of each shop are very impressive. Although it is in Japan, many people from overseas came to this area and it was lively for a whole day like a Village.
HCS2019 Report & Gallery Menu
- HCS2019 Report & Gallery Menu