The 22nd Annual Yokohama Hot Rod Custom Show 2013 (#HCS2013) took place at Pacifico Yokohama exhibition hall on Sunday December 1, 2013. In the past two decades, the show has grown each year. The first 10 years filled up half of the event hall. In recent years, it has reached maximum capacity filling the entire 20,000m2 area. This year was no exception with a record number of entries within the first couple weeks after registrations were accepted. Unfortunately, the hall space does have a limit. While still relatively a small show, the attendance has grown not only in numbers but in demographics as well. This year we had visitors not only from all across Japan and USA but Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand and others.
Thank you to everyone for being a part of HCS2013! We hope you will join us again next year in Japan!
Spectators: 15,000 (over 500 international, 180 foreign/domestic media)
Show Cars: 280
Show Motorcycles: 650
Vendor Booths: 270
Collectivities Alley: 30
Pinstripers: 40
Mini Car, Model Car, Pedal Car: 40
Throne Lid Paint Contest: 60
Show Awards: 96 Awards
Spectators began to line up at the main entrance as early as 6AM this year. The doors are scheduled to open at 9AM but we try to open early as possible and this year the doors opened about 20 minutes ahead of schedule. As the incoming crowd took position along the main isle for the ride in, show guests and their cars/bikes were out back preparing for the grand entrance, the "Ride In".
Thank you to everyone for being a part of HCS2013! We hope you will join us again next year in Japan!
Spectators: 15,000 (over 500 international, 180 foreign/domestic media)
Show Cars: 280
Show Motorcycles: 650
Vendor Booths: 270
Collectivities Alley: 30
Pinstripers: 40
Mini Car, Model Car, Pedal Car: 40
Throne Lid Paint Contest: 60
Show Awards: 96 Awards
Spectators began to line up at the main entrance as early as 6AM this year. The doors are scheduled to open at 9AM but we try to open early as possible and this year the doors opened about 20 minutes ahead of schedule. As the incoming crowd took position along the main isle for the ride in, show guests and their cars/bikes were out back preparing for the grand entrance, the "Ride In".
Behind the scenes, while spectators were flooding the main entrance, all the guests warmed up their machines, did last minute checks and test rides. It was a calm and casual atmosphere and everyone was in good spirits. Just before the start, there was even some time for taking group photos. By 9AM, the morning rush was just about in and ready. By 9:15AM, right on schedule the back doors open and the first group enters the main isle for the ride in.

Starting off the ride were the two "Best of" award winners from HCS2012. Best of Automotive: T.D.K. Mr. Kondo and his 1949 Mercury followed by Best of Motorcycle: Cherry's Company and their 2013 H-D Knucklehead.

The first guests to enter were Starlite Rod & Kustom. The lead car was Jack Fields' 1960 Ford Starliner "Agent Orange" followed by Erik Hernandez and his 1960 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88 "Electric Lemonade".

Bobby Green (waving) and his Old Crow Speed Show Bellytank strolled down the main isle as a race team. The land speed racer has a high gear ratio not able to drive at low speeds and usually requires a push car as seen at Bonneville and El Mirage where it attempts to break more speed records.
The next group of guests were the motorcycles. There were nine bikes total so each set consisted of three bikes. The first to enter was Chopper Dave and his 2006 H-D Turbo Sportster "Steel Shoe", Cro Customs - Caleb Owens on his 1976-78 H-D Shovelhead CX "Yang Yang" (Builder's Choice at Born Free 4) and Noise Cycles - Scott "T-bone" Jones with his 1952 H-D Panhead EL "Sneak Attack" which won Best in Show at Born Free 5.

The next group included Powerplant - Yaniv "Neevo" Evan riding his 1956 H-D Panhead "The P-16 Bomber", followed by Small City Cycles - Todd Asin with a 1950 Triumph Thunderbird and right behind Todd was Joey Cano on his 1947 H-D Knucklehead "Knarrow Knuckle".

The final group was Jeff Leighton and his 1947 H-D Panhead "Longclaw" followed by Dynamite Joe on his 1942 H-D Knucklehead "White Powder" which received the MOONEYES Pick award at Born Free 5, and last but certainly not least was Cycle Zombies - Big Scott Stopnik riding in on his 1947 H-D Knucklehead "Zombie Child".
Official guests included three automobiles and nine motorcycles. Once they finished the "Ride In" and after their introductions on stage, it officially kicked HCS2013 and the show was in full swing!
During the one-day event, which is from 9AM to 5PM, live bands "LIPS", "The HEATHENS" and "Jackie and the Cedrics" performed on the main stage and "The El Caminos" performed live inside Rat Island.

HCS2013 Show – English Edition Report
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