Dec. 3, 2017 at Pacifico Yokohama

Dec. 3, 2017 at Pacifico Yokohama

2017年12月3日に今年もパシフィコ横浜にて YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW を開催致しました。今年は1年を通じて、"Grow Together – 育てよう – Sodateyou" というスローガンをかかげ、皆様と共に、成熟したカルチャーになる様キャンペーンを進めてまいりました。昨年に引き続き、パシフィコ会場の外は、Shizuka な一日となり、改めてエントリーして下さった方々、ご来場頂いた皆様、残念ながら来られなかった皆様全員のこのカルチャーに対する熱い思いを感じさせて頂きました。沢山のご協力ありがとうございました。
その熱い一日をギュッと詰め込んだ HCS2017 Web Report を配信致しました。 Award を獲得した車両も全て掲載しておりますので、どうぞお楽しみください。
Throughout the year we carried the slogan of "Grow Together - 育てよう - Sodateyou" and we worked on this campaign in an effort to mature our culture. Continuing from last year the area outside around Pacifico was quiet and we felt the passion towards this culture from the participants as well as from those who were not able come to the event. Thank you very much for all the support.
HCS2017 Web Report is now available and filled with those passion.
All the vehicles that won an Award are also updated, so please enjoy.
Event Report is Here
その熱い一日をギュッと詰め込んだ HCS2017 Web Report を配信致しました。 Award を獲得した車両も全て掲載しておりますので、どうぞお楽しみください。
Throughout the year we carried the slogan of "Grow Together - 育てよう - Sodateyou" and we worked on this campaign in an effort to mature our culture. Continuing from last year the area outside around Pacifico was quiet and we felt the passion towards this culture from the participants as well as from those who were not able come to the event. Thank you very much for all the support.
HCS2017 Web Report is now available and filled with those passion.
All the vehicles that won an Award are also updated, so please enjoy.