Pre 30th Anniversary YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW Report
Dec. 5, 2021 at Pacifico Yokohama
2021年12月5日(日)にパシフィコ横浜にて Pre 30th Anniversary YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2021 を開催致しました。昨年は残念ながら新型コロナウィルスの蔓延の為中止となり、今年2年ぶりの開催となりました。しかし、世界中の人々が来日することは叶わず、来年こそは世の中が元通りになり、MQQNEYES World を愛する皆様で30周年を盛大に祝いましょうということで、今年はPre 30th として開催いたしました。
いざ当日会場に来てみると、 HISASHIBURI に会う沢山の方々にご来場いただき、延べ 11,000人の来場者となりました。今までと変わらず、熱気に満ちた一日をOPEN から Close まで感じ、沢山の笑顔でいっぱいの素晴らしいショーを開催することができた事、本当にありがとうございました。
今年は安全面を考慮して、ご来場が叶わなかった方は、Event Report で少しでもショーの雰囲気を味わって頂ければ幸いです。また、MOONEYES Area-1、MOONEYES Official Online Shop では、一部のショー限定アイテムを販売中です。あの商品を手に入れたかったのにと悔しい思いをした方は、是非 MOONEYES Shop にてお買い求めください。
それでは Pre 30th Anniversary YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2021 Event Report スタートです。
Event Report is Here
いざ当日会場に来てみると、 HISASHIBURI に会う沢山の方々にご来場いただき、延べ 11,000人の来場者となりました。今までと変わらず、熱気に満ちた一日をOPEN から Close まで感じ、沢山の笑顔でいっぱいの素晴らしいショーを開催することができた事、本当にありがとうございました。
今年は安全面を考慮して、ご来場が叶わなかった方は、Event Report で少しでもショーの雰囲気を味わって頂ければ幸いです。また、MOONEYES Area-1、MOONEYES Official Online Shop では、一部のショー限定アイテムを販売中です。あの商品を手に入れたかったのにと悔しい思いをした方は、是非 MOONEYES Shop にてお買い求めください。
それでは Pre 30th Anniversary YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2021 Event Report スタートです。
On Sunday, December 5th, 2021 we were able to hold the Pre 30th Anniversary YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2021. Last year was canceled due to the pandemic of Novel Coronavirus and this year was the first time in 2 years to hold the show. Unfortunately, people from overseas were not able to come, but for the next year we are hoping the world will get back to normal and celebrate the real 30th anniversary with the people who love this MQQNEYES World.
In late July we decided to hold the show but after that, a state of emergency was announced and we were anxious if we can really hold the event. To have a safe show we made new rules and we got support from everyone and were able to succeed the show.
At the venue, it was really HISASHIBURI "LONG TIME NO SEE" to see everyone, and a total of 11,000 spectators came to the show. We want to thank you that, we're able to hold a MOONTASTIC event from OPEN to CLOSE like the past years and see everyone’s smile on their face.
If you did not come to the show considering your safety, we are hoping that you can enjoy the atmosphere of the venue with this report. At MOONEYES Area-1 and MOONEYES Official Online Shop, some of the event limited items are available. If you were not able to get the limited items, please visit our shops.
Pre 30th Anniversary YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2021 Event Report will start!
In late July we decided to hold the show but after that, a state of emergency was announced and we were anxious if we can really hold the event. To have a safe show we made new rules and we got support from everyone and were able to succeed the show.
At the venue, it was really HISASHIBURI "LONG TIME NO SEE" to see everyone, and a total of 11,000 spectators came to the show. We want to thank you that, we're able to hold a MOONTASTIC event from OPEN to CLOSE like the past years and see everyone’s smile on their face.
If you did not come to the show considering your safety, we are hoping that you can enjoy the atmosphere of the venue with this report. At MOONEYES Area-1 and MOONEYES Official Online Shop, some of the event limited items are available. If you were not able to get the limited items, please visit our shops.
Pre 30th Anniversary YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2021 Event Report will start!