Dec. 3, 2023 at Pacifico Yokohama
2023年12月3日(日)、パシフィコ横浜にて、31st Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2023 (以下 HCS2023) を開催いたしました。
昨年は、まだコロナ禍の影響も残っており、インバウンドのご来場お客様が少なかったので、今年は完全に全ての条件が Full の状態で開催を迎える事が出来ました。ご協賛いただいた皆様、ご出展者様、ご来場頂いた皆様、そしてメディアの皆様お一人お一人にご協力頂けた事で無事に31回目のHCSも終了する事が出来ました。
そして2014年に二輪での来場禁止を皆様に告知していうキャンペーンを開始して今年で10年目となり、初心に戻り一番最初のキャンペーンに使用していた “Shizukani” というキャッチフレーズで年間を通して活動を進めていきました。情報拡散などご協力有難うございました。
来年もまた皆様と一緒にこの Culture を楽しむ為に、ご協力をお願いする事があると思います。引き続きよろしくお願い致します。
それでは 31st Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2023 Event Report をお楽しみください。
Event Report is Here
昨年は、まだコロナ禍の影響も残っており、インバウンドのご来場お客様が少なかったので、今年は完全に全ての条件が Full の状態で開催を迎える事が出来ました。ご協賛いただいた皆様、ご出展者様、ご来場頂いた皆様、そしてメディアの皆様お一人お一人にご協力頂けた事で無事に31回目のHCSも終了する事が出来ました。
そして2014年に二輪での来場禁止を皆様に告知していうキャンペーンを開始して今年で10年目となり、初心に戻り一番最初のキャンペーンに使用していた “Shizukani” というキャッチフレーズで年間を通して活動を進めていきました。情報拡散などご協力有難うございました。
来年もまた皆様と一緒にこの Culture を楽しむ為に、ご協力をお願いする事があると思います。引き続きよろしくお願い致します。
それでは 31st Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2023 Event Report をお楽しみください。
On Sunday, December 3rd, 2023 31st Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUTOM SHOW 2023 (HCS2023) took place at the Pacifico Yokohama.
Last year, there were still some effects of the COVID-19, and there were not many inbound visitors. However, this year we were able to hold the complete show in full conditions. We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of the sponsors, participants, spectators and media who supported us and this event.
From 2014 we started the campaign to inform everyone prohibiting riding motorcycle to the venue, and this year it reached the 10th years. This year, back in our mind, we used the very first campaign "Shizukani"and promote throughout the year. Thank you for spreading this campaign.
On the day of the event December 3rd(Sun), we are pleased to announce that we achieved an unprecedented milestone with 25,000 spectators, presenting an MQQNTASTIC show that was made possible through the collaborative efforts of everyone involved. Thank you very much.
We will ask for your continuous support to hold the event for next year to enjoy this Culture together. Thank you for your continued support.
Please enjoy the 31st Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2023 Event Report.
Last year, there were still some effects of the COVID-19, and there were not many inbound visitors. However, this year we were able to hold the complete show in full conditions. We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of the sponsors, participants, spectators and media who supported us and this event.
From 2014 we started the campaign to inform everyone prohibiting riding motorcycle to the venue, and this year it reached the 10th years. This year, back in our mind, we used the very first campaign "Shizukani"and promote throughout the year. Thank you for spreading this campaign.
On the day of the event December 3rd(Sun), we are pleased to announce that we achieved an unprecedented milestone with 25,000 spectators, presenting an MQQNTASTIC show that was made possible through the collaborative efforts of everyone involved. Thank you very much.
We will ask for your continuous support to hold the event for next year to enjoy this Culture together. Thank you for your continued support.
Please enjoy the 31st Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2023 Event Report.