HCS2024 Report & Gallery Menu
- HCS2024 Report & Gallery Menu

After HCS
32nd YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUTOM SHOW 2024 が終わり、一息と思いきや、HCS2024 の熱気はまだまだ冷めません。Official After Party はないものの、次の日の月曜日は、本牧 横浜 MOONEYES Area-1 & MOON Cafe が大忙し!Oversea からのゲストはもちろん、遠方から来たお客様で一日中賑わっていました。午後になれば、裏の MOON GARAGE に、みんなで集まり、ちょっとした Little Get Together Meeting のようなものが行われていて、国籍問わず様々な方が、この Kulture の話に花を咲かせていました。
今年もこれまで以上の Overseas Guest を迎えることができました。また皆様の Smile をこの横浜で見ることができて何よりです。
The 32nd YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUTOM SHOW 2024 is now over, however, the excitement of the event is not over yet. We did not have an Official After Party but, on Monday the next day day after the event, Honmoku Yokohama MOONEYES Area-1 and MOON Cafe were busy all day with guests from all over the world and guests from distant places!
In the afternoon everyone started to gather at the MOON GARAGE backside of the MOONEYES, and there was a Little Get Together Meeting, and everyone was enjoying talking about this wonderful Kulture.
We were able to welcome the Overseas Guest more than ever. We are glad to see everyone with smiles at the Yokohama again.
Thank you for all your support. We are looking forward to seeing you all next year and creating the MQQNTASTIC show.
Thank you for participarting in the "Not Crazy After Show".
In the afternoon everyone started to gather at the MOON GARAGE backside of the MOONEYES, and there was a Little Get Together Meeting, and everyone was enjoying talking about this wonderful Kulture.
We were able to welcome the Overseas Guest more than ever. We are glad to see everyone with smiles at the Yokohama again.
Thank you for all your support. We are looking forward to seeing you all next year and creating the MQQNTASTIC show.
Thank you for participarting in the "Not Crazy After Show".
Da Plate Lunch 808
千葉県佐倉市王子台にあるハワイアンプレートランチのお店 Da Plate LUNCH 808 がストリートタコスを、 Unofficially 数量限定でご提供していただきました。美味しいタコスに、みなさま舌鼓でした。ありがとうございました!
Street Tacos by Da Plate LUNCH 808 offers Hawaiian Lunch Plate at Oojidai Sakurashi, Chiba, were served in a limited number, unofficially. Thank you for the delicious meal!

GO! with MQQN!

HCS2024 Report & Gallery Menu
- HCS2024 Report & Gallery Menu