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Little Get Together Party
YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUTOM SHOW の設営が終わった前日の夜から始まる、HCS 参加者限定の Little Get Together Party(LGTP) を今年も開催いたしました。本番のショーにも負けないくらい Oversea ゲストにも人気のあるPプレ パーティーには、今年も多くの方が集まりました!Drink の Serve を行なってくれたのは、今年も本牧 横浜の IG です。LGTP で提供される MOONEYES のロゴの入った枡付きの SAKE も大人気!
ステージでは、簡単なイントロダクションの後、LGTPを盛り上げてくれるOh! Sharelsが素晴らしいライブパフォーマンスを披露してくれました。今年も大好評だったラッフルでは、希望者のみが参加できる方式を採用。参加希望の方々にはチケットをラッフル ボックスに入れていただき、ラッフルが行われました。今年も海外ゲストから提供された豪華な賞品が揃い、ステージ前は大盛り上がり!その後も、Oh! Sharelsの陽気な音楽に合わせてダンスを楽しむゲストでダンスタイムがあったり、楽しそうに談笑する姿があちこちで見られ、会場全体が Smiles で溢れていました。
The Little Get Together Party (LGTP), exclusively for participants of the YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW, was held again this year on the evening before the big day, right after the show setup was completed. The pre-party, which has become as popular as the main show itself, especially among our overseas guests, attracted a large crowd once again this year!
Drinks were served by IG in Honmoku, Yokohama, just like every year. The MOONEYES-branded sake cups, offered exclusively at LGTP, were a big hit as always!
On stage, following a brief introduction, Oh! Sharels delivered an outstanding live performance that energized the crowd. The highly anticipated raffle adopted an opt-in format this year, allowing only those interested to participate by placing their tickets into the raffle box. This year’s raffle featured luxurious prizes generously donated by our overseas guests, making the area in front of the stage buzz with excitement! Afterward, the cheerful music of Oh! Sharels set the tone for a lively dance time, where many guests joined in to dance, while others enjoyed friendly conversations throughout the venue. The entire space was filled with smiles, creating a warm and festive atmosphere.
Drinks were served by IG in Honmoku, Yokohama, just like every year. The MOONEYES-branded sake cups, offered exclusively at LGTP, were a big hit as always!
On stage, following a brief introduction, Oh! Sharels delivered an outstanding live performance that energized the crowd. The highly anticipated raffle adopted an opt-in format this year, allowing only those interested to participate by placing their tickets into the raffle box. This year’s raffle featured luxurious prizes generously donated by our overseas guests, making the area in front of the stage buzz with excitement! Afterward, the cheerful music of Oh! Sharels set the tone for a lively dance time, where many guests joined in to dance, while others enjoyed friendly conversations throughout the venue. The entire space was filled with smiles, creating a warm and festive atmosphere.

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