HCS2024 Report & Gallery Menu
- HCS2024 Report & Gallery Menu

"Swingin’ Choppers" Non Rigid Choppers
HCS2024 の Motorcycle Spotlight では、Rear Shock 付き Chopper がテーマに。Chopper = リジット フレームが主流の中、各ショップが独自の解釈で仕上げた Non Rigid Chopper が並び、多彩なスタイル が Motorcycle ファンの新たなカスタムのヒントとなりました。また YOKOHAMA の IM Factory が製作した YAMAHA SR250 を展示。 ハンドルバー、シッシーバー、バナナシート、そしてリアショックが Vintage Muscle Bike を彷彿とさせる、特別な一台が完成しました。この注目の車両はMOONEYES Area-1で展示中。ぜひ実車をご覧ください!
At HCS2024's Motorcycle Spotlight, the theme was Choppers with Rear Shocks. While rigid frames are typically dominant in chopper builds, various shops showcased their unique interpretations of Non-Rigid Choppers, offering a wide variety of styles that provided motorcycle fans with fresh ideas for custom builds.
Additionally, the IM Factory from Yokohama presented a custom YAMAHA SR250. Featuring a Vintage Muscle Bike vibe, the build included a custom handlebar, sissy bar, banana seat, and rear shock. This standout bike is currently on display at MOONEYES Area-1, so be sure to check out the actual motorcycle!
Additionally, the IM Factory from Yokohama presented a custom YAMAHA SR250. Featuring a Vintage Muscle Bike vibe, the build included a custom handlebar, sissy bar, banana seat, and rear shock. This standout bike is currently on display at MOONEYES Area-1, so be sure to check out the actual motorcycle!
Motorcycle Show
今年の Motorcycle エリアは、例年以上に多くのエントリーが集まり、非常にハイレベルなショーとなりました。Award 選考が難航するほどのクオリティの高さに、常に新しい挑戦を続けるビルダーの皆様の情熱と技術に感服しました。来場者も気になる Motorcycle の前で足を止め、ビルダーとの会話を楽しみながら、自分だけのカスタムの夢を膨らませている様子が印象的でした。
The Motorcycle area this year had more entries than ever before, resulting in a very high-level show. The quality was so impressive that the Award selection process was challenging, and we were truly amazed by the passion and skill of the builders who are always pushing new boundaries. Visitors stopped in front of motorcycles that caught their attention, enjoying conversations with the builders while dreaming up their own custom creations.
Oversea Entries
今年は USA, Korea, Malaysia, China の4か国からエントリーがありました。
This year, we had entries from four countries: the USA, Korea, Malaysia, and China.
From USA

From Korea

From Malaysia

From China

HCS2024 Report & Gallery Menu
- HCS2024 Report & Gallery Menu