HCS2024 Report & Gallery Menu
- HCS2024 Report & Gallery Menu

Scale Models
MINI 32nd YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2024 開催!! 今年もMINI CAR、MODEL CARエリアには、本物の車に負けないくらいハイクオリティなミニ車両たちが勢ぞろいしました!プラモデルやダイキャストミニカー、さらにはレゴで作られたユニークな作品まで、多彩な展示が目を引きました。どの展示も作り手のこだわりが詰まっていて、車両とディスプレイが一体となった独自の空間を作り出していました。大人も子どもも、思わず引き込まれるような魅力あるエリアになっていました。
さらに、今年は MOONEYES Authorized Dealer である、MOONEYES Taiwan からのエントリーもございました。
今年の Best Die Cast Model は、Kustom Maniacs / Mr. Sugano、Best Model Car は Mr. Shinoda!おめでとうございます。
The MINI CAR and MODEL CAR area once again delivered a stunning showcase of high-quality miniature vehicles that rival the real thing! From plastic models and die-cast miniatures to unique creations built with LEGO, the variety of exhibits was truly impressive.
Every display reflected the creators' passion and attention to detail, blending the vehicles seamlessly with their surrounding setups to create one-of-a-kind spaces. It was a captivating area that drew in both adults and children alike.
This year also featured an entry from MOONEYES Taiwan, an Authorized MOONEYES Dealer.
This year's Best Die Cast Model winner is Kustom Maniacs / Mr. Sugano, and Best Model Car winner is Mr. Shinoda! Congratulations!
Every display reflected the creators' passion and attention to detail, blending the vehicles seamlessly with their surrounding setups to create one-of-a-kind spaces. It was a captivating area that drew in both adults and children alike.
This year also featured an entry from MOONEYES Taiwan, an Authorized MOONEYES Dealer.
This year's Best Die Cast Model winner is Kustom Maniacs / Mr. Sugano, and Best Model Car winner is Mr. Shinoda! Congratulations!

HCS2024 Report & Gallery Menu
- HCS2024 Report & Gallery Menu