HCS2024 Report & Gallery Menu
- HCS2024 Report & Gallery Menu

35th Anniversary of Hiro Wildman Ishii
今年の 32nd YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2024 は、「Wildman Anniversary Year」としてスペシャルな注目を集めました!今年7月26日に Wildman 石井が還暦を迎え、さらに MOONEYES のピンストライパーとしても35周年を迎えたことを記念して、今年の Wildman ブースは例年の場所から移動し、会場に入ってすぐ右手に設置しました。開場と同時に、Wildman ブースには熱狂的なファンたちが長蛇の列を作り、限定300個のシリアルナンバー入りペナントや、WACKY WORLD OF WILDMAN BOOK を次々と手に取る様子が見られました。これらのグッズに Wildman 石井のサインをもらうファンの姿も多く見受けられ、大いに盛り上がるブースとなっていました。
This year’s 32nd YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2024 drew special attention as the "Wildman Anniversary Year"! This marks a significant milestone for Wildman Ishii, who celebrated his 60th birthday on July 26 and his 35th anniversary as MOONEYES’ pinstriper. To commemorate this occasion, the Wildman booth was relocated from its usual spot to just to the right upon entering the venue.
As soon as the doors opened, enthusiastic fans formed long lines at the Wildman booth. They eagerly picked up the limited-edition serial-numbered pennants (300 pieces) and the WACKY WORLD OF WILDMAN BOOK. Many fans were seen getting Wildman Ishii’s autograph on these items, making the booth an incredibly lively and exciting spot.
As soon as the doors opened, enthusiastic fans formed long lines at the Wildman booth. They eagerly picked up the limited-edition serial-numbered pennants (300 pieces) and the WACKY WORLD OF WILDMAN BOOK. Many fans were seen getting Wildman Ishii’s autograph on these items, making the booth an incredibly lively and exciting spot.

Pinstripe Gathering
今年の Pinstripe Gathering には、日本国内から多くのピンストライパーが集結し、海外からはフィンランド、エストニア、ポーランドのアーティストが参加しました。国内外のピンストライパーたちは朝からお客様のオーダーで大忙し!自らの作品を販売したり、その場でオーダーを受けてヘルメットなどにピンストライプを施したりと、一日中筆を走らせていました。
At this year’s Pinstripe Gathering, numerous pinstripers from across Japan came together, joined by talented artists from Finland, Estonia, and Poland. Both domestic and international pinstripers were bustling with orders from customers right from the morning! Throughout the day, they showcased their original works for sale, took on custom orders on the spot, and skillfully pinstriped to items like helmets, keeping their brushes moving nonstop.

Harmony of Custom Pennant Paint Contest
今年のSPOTLIGHTの一つとなったのが、三角形のペナントをベースにしたペイントコンテストでした。三角形という独特な形状のペナントの上に、それぞれのアーティストが存分に自分のアートスキルを表現した作品が並び、このエリア全体に美しいハーモニーを生み出していました。素材が自由に設定されたことで、より一層各作品の個性が際立つ、魅力的な展示となりました。こちらのペナントを手掛けたアーティストたちは、 Pinstripe Gathering ブースにも参加している方もいらっしゃるので、お気に入りの作品を見つけたらぜひそのアーティストの他の作品も確かめてみてください!本牧 横浜 MOONEYES Area-1 のウィンドウ サインを手掛けている、MOONEYES Pinstriper Michi "NATQQ" ( @michi_natoo) も、今年も参加しているので、ぜひ探してみてください。
今年の Best of Custom Paint Contest "Harmony of Custom Pennant" は、 Oyama Sign's / Mr. Oyama!おめとうございます。
One of this year’s SPOTLIGHT features was a paint contest based on triangular pennants. The unique triangular shape of the pennants served as a canvas for each artist to fully showcase their artistic skills, resulting in a display that created a beautiful harmony throughout the area. The freedom to choose materials further highlighted the individuality of each piece, making it a truly captivating exhibition.
The artists who created their pennant are also at the Pinstripe Gathering area so, if you find your favorite work please also check the artist's other works too. MOONEYES Pinstriper Michi "NATQQ" ( @michi_natoo) who designs the window sign of Honmoku Yokohama MOONEYES Area-1 has also participated in the paint contest so, please also find him.
This year's Best of Custom Paint Contest "Harmony of Custom Pennant" Award will go to Oyama Sign's / Mr. Oyama Congratulations!
The artists who created their pennant are also at the Pinstripe Gathering area so, if you find your favorite work please also check the artist's other works too. MOONEYES Pinstriper Michi "NATQQ" ( @michi_natoo) who designs the window sign of Honmoku Yokohama MOONEYES Area-1 has also participated in the paint contest so, please also find him.
This year's Best of Custom Paint Contest "Harmony of Custom Pennant" Award will go to Oyama Sign's / Mr. Oyama Congratulations!

HCS2024 Report & Gallery Menu
- HCS2024 Report & Gallery Menu