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"Slicker and Quicker" Glorious Shovelhead
HCS2019 Motorcycle Spotlight は Slicker and Quicker "Glorious Shovelhead" と題して、日本国内のカスタム H-Dのなかでもポピュラーなエンジン Shovelhead が搭載された Custom Motorcycle を募りました。国内屈指のビルダーがカスタムする Shovelhead を一目みようと多くの方がこのエリアで足を止めて興味深く覗き込んでいました。今回 Slicker and Quicker "Glorious Shovelhead" で見事アワードを獲得したのは、Bike Garage KOKORO の 1978 H-D Shovelhead でした。おめでとうございます!
HCS2019 Motorcycle Spotlight theme is Slicker and Quicker "Glorious Shovelhead". It is subjected to the Custom Motorcycle that equips the popular stylish H-D engine of “Shovelhead” Motor. Japan’s best builders customized various style motorcycle was gathered. Many people stop by and looked close to this area to see the Shoveled custom by the best builders in Japan. The Award winner for Slicker and Quicker “Glorious Shovelhead" is Bike Garage KOKORO’s 1978 H-D Shovelhead. Congratulations!

Motorcycle Show
今年も沢山のエントリーがあった Motorcycle Show。様々なスタイルの Motorcycle が一堂に会し見ごたえある内容でした。世界で行われている Motorcycle Show に習い、より公平なジャッジをするために今年から Motorcycle Award はジャッジペーパーによる点数制のジャッジとなりました。また、今年は海外からのエントリーが多数集まり、ロシア、オーストラリア、ノルウェー、インドネシア、中国、韓国と Worldwide な Custom Motorcycle を見ることができました。
There were many entries for Motorcycle Show again this year. Various style Motorcycle was gathered in one place and it was impressive content. Followed to the Motorcycle Show that is held in the world, to have a fair judgment, from this year's Motorcycle Award is a judge with judge paper by the points. Moreover, for this year there were many entries from overseas such as Russia, Australia, Norway, Indonesia, China, and Korea so, we were able to see worldwide Custom Motorcycles.
From Russia

From Australia

From Indonesia

From Norway

From China

From Korea

HCS2019 Report & Gallery Menu
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