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Pinstripe Gathering
今年も全国、そして世界各国から大勢のアーティストがパシフィコ横浜に集結いたしました!早朝から、こちらのエリアも大賑わいで、アーティストたちは、その場でオーダーを受け、お客さんが持ち寄ったアイテムにピンストライプを入れたりと一日中大忙しでした。こちらのアーティストの、ペイント コンテストも、ハイクオリティーな作品ばかりで、多くの人が足を止めてじっくりと作品の隅々まで眺めているのが印象的でした。
Again this year, from all over the world as well as Japan, many artists gathered at Pacifico Yokohama! From the morning, this booth area as crowded with people. Artists got orders at that place and putting pinstripes to the item that customers brought and busy all day. The paint contest was also high-quality with the works by them and, people were stopping by to see their works closely.

30 years of Excellence 1989 ~ 2019 WILDMAN
1989年 Wildman 石井のスタジオがあった 御所山 8番地で始まった、MOONEYES サインズ&ピンストライプ ステューディオ。 2019年, 日本の Pinstripe の Pioneer, Hiro "Wildman" Ishii が30周年を迎えました。一言に30年と言っても Wildman に言わせれば「ついこの前の事」かも知れませんが...。28th Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2019では 30 Years of Excellence WILDMAN を Tribute しました。
今年の Pinstripe ブースの WILDMAN ブースは、規模を拡大して 30 years of Excellence 1989 〜 2019 WILDMAN 記念グッズを販売いたしました。その中には、もちろん WILDMAN 力作の Special GOLD MOON Disc もありました!
さらに、Wildman のスペシャル MOON Disc の中には、 Wildman がこのために事前にピンストライプを入れたものに、その場で、T’s DESIGN、M & K CUSTOM SIGNS、Shakin’ Speed Grapixがピンストライプを入れた Premium MOON Discもありました! その 45,000円 の Premium MOON Disc はその場ですぐに、 SOLD OUTでした。
It started from 1989 Goshoyama 8 where the MOONEYES Signs & Pinstripe Studio was located. In 2019, Japan’s Pinstripe Pioneer, Hiro “Wildman” Ishii reached his 30th anniversary. However, 30 YEARS is just the other day for Wildman.
At 20th Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2019, we tributed 30 Years of Excellence WILDMAN.
This year’s Pinstripe booth was widened the booth to feature 30 years of Excellence 1989 〜 2019 WILDMAN and sold his commemorative goods. In the commemorative goods, there was WILDMAN’s masterpiece Special GOLD MOON Disc!
Moreover, there were also other Premium MOON Discs that he put the pinstripe in advance and T’s DESIGN, M & K CUSTOM SIGNS, Shakin’ Speed Grapix put the pinstripe on the spot! The Premium MOON Disc was sold at 45,000yen but it was SOLD OUT immediately.
At 20th Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2019, we tributed 30 Years of Excellence WILDMAN.
This year’s Pinstripe booth was widened the booth to feature 30 years of Excellence 1989 〜 2019 WILDMAN and sold his commemorative goods. In the commemorative goods, there was WILDMAN’s masterpiece Special GOLD MOON Disc!
Moreover, there were also other Premium MOON Discs that he put the pinstripe in advance and T’s DESIGN, M & K CUSTOM SIGNS, Shakin’ Speed Grapix put the pinstripe on the spot! The Premium MOON Disc was sold at 45,000yen but it was SOLD OUT immediately.
Wildman のトークショーではカスタム カルチャーの伝道師、The NASH により進行され、軽快なトークに Wildman の30年の歴史が語られました。トークショーはすべて日本語で進行していったのにも関わらず、国籍問わず、たくさんの人たちが、Wildman の話に聞き入り、最後の質問コーナーでは、熱心な Wildman Fan からの質問を Wildman が応えていました。限られた時間の中では、Wildman の歴史を語りきれなかったようで、Wildman はまだ話し足りない!と言っていたので、横浜に遊びに来る機会があった時は是非、本牧 横浜 MOONEYES に遊びに来て、Wildman に気軽に話しかけてみてください。このエリアでは、写真を撮るだけではなく、動画を撮ったりと、一流のピンストライパーの作業を見られる貴重な場となっていました。
Wildman は、30周年ということもあって、例年以上に大忙し!オーダーを受けるだけはなく、握手や記念グッズへのサインを求められたり、一時も休まる時間がありませんでした。そんな中でも、Wildman は MOON Garage でいつものように手を動かしつつ、疲れた顔も見せずに日本のみならず、世界各国のファンとの交流を楽しんでいて、Wildman 30th Anniversary Tribute も無事に成功しました。
Wildman は、30周年ということもあって、例年以上に大忙し!オーダーを受けるだけはなく、握手や記念グッズへのサインを求められたり、一時も休まる時間がありませんでした。そんな中でも、Wildman は MOON Garage でいつものように手を動かしつつ、疲れた顔も見せずに日本のみならず、世界各国のファンとの交流を楽しんでいて、Wildman 30th Anniversary Tribute も無事に成功しました。
Wildman's talk show was conducted by The NASH, a custom culture evangelist, and they cheerfully talked about Wildman's 30 years history. The Talk Show was done all in Japanese but, regardless of the country many people listened to Widman’s story, and Wildman answered some questions from his enthusiastic fans. In the limited time, it seems that Wildman is not finished talking about his story so, if you have a chance to visit Yokohama, come by and talk to Wildman. In this area not only taking photos but, people were also filming and, it was a precious place to see the many pro pinstripe working.
Because it is the 30th anniversary for Wildman, he was busy than past years! Not only taking orders, but he was also asked for an autograph and requested to shake hands, and he did not have any time to rest. Although, he just worked normally like as he is at the MOON Garage and enjoying the conversation with his fans and Wildman 30th Anniversary Tribute ended.
Because it is the 30th anniversary for Wildman, he was busy than past years! Not only taking orders, but he was also asked for an autograph and requested to shake hands, and he did not have any time to rest. Although, he just worked normally like as he is at the MOON Garage and enjoying the conversation with his fans and Wildman 30th Anniversary Tribute ended.

"Twist and Turn" Slip On Shoes Paint Contest
今年のペイント コンテストのテーマは、VANS Slip On Shoes を題材にした “Twist and Turn”。始めは真っ白だった、Slip On Shoes がアーティストの独創的なアイディアで、素晴らしい作品になり圧巻でした。今年の、ペイント コンテストは、Wildman 30th Anniversary を記念する Special Year ということで、3つの Award が発表されました。今年の 3つの Award は:
・Best of Custom Paint Contest “Twist and Turn” Slip On Shoes
・Wildman’s Pick
・Gallop’s Pick, Taiwan
Best of Custom Paint Contest “Twist and Turn” Slip On Shoes の優勝者は、まさかの Wildman!日本のピンストライパーのパイオニアは伊達じゃないところを見せつけ、自身の 30th Anniversary を華々しく飾りました。そして、もう二人の受賞者はこの2名!おめでとうございます!
This year’s theme of the Paint Contest was basing the VANS Slip On Shoes and it was “Twist and Turn”. In the beginning, it was just a simple white shoe but, by artists’ original idea, it turned to wonderful masterpieces. This year’s Paint Contest is Special Year to celebrate Wildman’s 30th Anniversary so there were 3 Awards announced. Above is the 3 Awards.
The Best of Custom Paint Contest “Twist and Turn” Slip On Shoes was Wildman! He proved that he is not Japan’s Pinstripe pioneer for nothing and covered itself in glory for his 30th Anniversary. The other awards were won by there two! Congratulations!
The Best of Custom Paint Contest “Twist and Turn” Slip On Shoes was Wildman! He proved that he is not Japan’s Pinstripe pioneer for nothing and covered itself in glory for his 30th Anniversary. The other awards were won by there two! Congratulations!

Collectivities Alley
Collectivities Alley は、様々なアーティスト、コレクターの自慢のアイテムを展示、販売しているエリアです。今年もたくさんのハイクオリティーの作品とコレクションが展示され、一つ一つのディスプレイもこだわりが多く、ギャラリーのようでした。展示しているアイテムを見ているだけではなく、そのアイテムを買おうか手にとって悩んでいる方々も多く見かけました。
Collectivities Alley is the area where various artists and collectors sell and exhibit their items. Again this year there were many high-quality works and collections and each display was well thought and each of the booths was like a gallery. Not only watching the items but, people were considering to purchase or not.
HCS2019 Report & Gallery Menu
- HCS2019 Report & Gallery Menu