- HCS2022 Report & Gallery Menu

昨年は世の中がまだコロナ禍の真っ只中で Pre 30th として開催。2022年になり、ようやく渡航の規制緩和が世界各国で始まり、全てが正常というわけではありませんが、無事 30th Anniversary としてYOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOWを開催する事ができました。これからも夢の様な空間を皆様と一緒に体験していけるよう、スタッフ一同、邁進してまいります。
On Sunday, December 4th, 2022, we were able to hold the 30th Anniversary YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2022 at the Pacifico Yokohama.
Last year, we hold the Pre-30th when COVID-19 was still a pandemic. This year the immigration restrictions eased, and it is not back to normal yet. However, we were able to hold the YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW for the 30th Anniversary. We will work hard thus, we can experience this dreamlike space together.
We want to express our great gratitude to all the people who supported us.

On December 8th(the) the Guests' Motorcycle arrived at Honmoku Yokohama MOONEYES. Unfortunately, we were not able to show it to everyone, however, we will Try to have it for next year. Please look forward to it.

From early morning, many people were waiting outside the venue to enter, and we apologize for making people wait for admission. However, we realized how much everyone was looking forward to the event.

MOONEYES booth was popular from the OPEN. For HCS2022 Half Cab has also reached its 30th Anniversary, and we released the collaboration Half Cab with the VANS. The CASIO G-SHOCK DW-5600 "MOONEYES Model" was popular before its release and it SOLD OUT really fast. There were other Limited Items, and many of the people were enjoying the shopping at MOONEYES booth for the whole day.

This year we collaborated with Gangnam Gimbap (Korean Rice Roll), and prepared the HCS Limited Special Gimbap! The wrapping was designed by Wildman, and the wrapping was also popular. Many people came to line up for their lunch.

9:00am からスタートしたライドインショー。 来日予定のゲスト Motorcycle は輸送にあたり様々の問題があり、残念ながら12/4(日)のイベントに間に合いませんでした。楽しみにされていた皆様申し訳ございませんでした。
ゲスト Motorcycle はありませんでしたが、スペシャル ゲストの Steve Caballero、HCS2021 Best of Show Automotive, Best of Show Motorcycle、各 SPOTLIGHT を代表した Cars さらに SPONSOR の各 Motorcycle メーカーのバイクが、花道を飾り、ショーのスタートを盛り上げました。
The Ride in Show started at 9:00 AM. The Invited Motorcycles had trouble during the shipment, and unfortunately, they did not make it in time. We deeply apologize to the people who looked forward to it.
There weren't Guest Motorcycles Ride in, however, we had a special guest of Steve Caballero, HCS2021 Best of Show Automotive, Best of Show Motorcycle, and each featured cars from the SPOTLIGHT and SPONSOR's Motorcycle, excited the start of the show.

The first to come in is legendary skater Steve Cabarello which is the first time in five years since 2017, and newly painted MQQN Buggy "Wave Hunter" driven by Shige Suganuma, who is the representative of MOONEYES.

Next comes is the VW Beetle race car Inch Pincher Too which competed in the American drag race NHRA in early 1970, and brought back to life by FLAT 4. It drove through the runway as the featured Car for the SPOTLIGHT Air Cooled in Re-Action.

The next one to come in is the winner of HCS2021 Best of Show Automobile, FIRST ARROW's 1929 Ford Model A. It is one of the car that stealed the show with its beautiful body like an art piece. Last year, we were able to see it exhibit, but this year we were able to it actually running and be in a flood of flashlights.

David Polgreen, Tom Heavey, Christian Newman, and, Jake Wreesman came in next, and are the winners of the Born-Free 12, 13 Invited Builder 1st Place Born-Free 12,13 Best in Show. It was a long time no see for the US Guests and, everyone cheered for their entrance.

The next one to come in is SURE SHOT which won the award for two years in a row for 2021 Best Of Show Motorcycle with a 1997 Harley Davidson FXD and 2019 Best Of Show Motorcycle with a 1968 Harley-Davidson Early Shovel-head. Entry in the 2019 and 2021 Best of Show Motorcycle was one of the highlights of the Ride in.

From here on is the Motorcycle from the SPONSOR. This first one is the Harley Davidson 2022 Low Rider™ which is a special custom model by the NEIGHBORHOOD® which is a limited one in Japan. Then continued with Harley Davidson 2022 FLTRXST Road Glide ST Performance Bagger 101 ridden by Dice Nagao who is designing motorcycles in the USA.

Royal Enfield signed the SPONSOR for the first time, and it came in with the 2020 Royal Enfield Continental GT650 which is customized by Taiwan's builder Winston Yeh of ROUGH CRAFTS, with which some people might be already familiar.

Indian Motorcycle also signed the SPONSOR for the first time and appeared with the 2022 Indian Chief (Indian x Red Wing Special).

The last to come in for the SPONSOR Ride in was the BMW Motored. BMW Motorrad engineering team Project Leader Roland Stocker and Chabott Engineering / Shinya Kimura came in with the 2022 BMW R18. The BMW R18 Wall that is built by Shinya Kimura will be exhibited at the DEUS ASAKUSA soon.

Next comes the 1965 Dodge Coronet which featured the HCS2022 SPOTLIGHT Muscle MOPAR! It also compete in the Drag Race in Japan and everyone was overwhelmed by the sound and impact.

Last but not the least, having the honor of closing the Rid in Show, is the Deuce Factory & Andy’s Rod Works / Mr. Iwasaki / 1932 Ford Model-B Roadster “K’s Roadster” which is the featuring car of the HCS2022 SPOTLIGHT 90years of Deuce.

After the Ride in Show, there was a short introduction of each guest and a photography session.

HCS2022では 30周年を迎えた Half Cab が Vans x MOON Equipped Half Cab として登場し、VANS JAPAN ブースでも販売をしました。さらに VANS ブース隣では、Half Cab を購入の方全員がプレゼントを貰える抽選会が行われ、皆さん様々なアイテムを手入れて喜んでいる姿をお見受けしました。In 2022, HCS2022 and Half Cab both reached their 30th Anniversary, and we have released the collaborated Half Cab. At the next VANS Booth, they also had a lottery, and people were winning a variety of prizes and enjoying the lottery.

WHITE'S ブースでは、Max Schaaf 監修による 4Q Conditioning x WHITE’S の新作アパレルのほか、新作アイテムを先行販売そして本国WHITE’Sで8年間修業したのちに、WHITE’S の DNA を継承した日本モデルをビルドしている Shoe maker がパフォーマンスを行いました。At the WHITE'S Booth, they had a new apparel of 4Q Conditioning x WHITE'S directed by Max Schaaf. In addition to the new items, there was a performance of s Shoe Maker who trained at WHITE'S in the USA for 8 years and then build the Japanese model inheriting the WHITE'S DNA.

PORKCHOP × RAT FINK™ のスペシャルコラボ Clothing の販売があり、終日多くの方が立ち止まるエリアとなりました。お買い物を楽しみながら Valley Auto の Cool な Car & Motorcycleがブース隣に展示され非日常な空間が作られていました。PORKCHOP booth had special collaboration clothing with the Rat Fink™ and it was one of the popular area where people stop by. At the same place Valley Auto's cool car and Motorcycle were exhibited and created an extraordinary space.

Harley-Davidson ブースでは、Harley Davidson 2022 Low Rider™ を NEIGHBORHOOD®がカスタムを施した、日本で 1 台限りの特別カスタムモデルの初お披露目。さらに に純正パーツ & アクセサリキットによるフルカスタムでパフォーマンスバガースタイルを提案する Performance Bagger 101 へと進化させた、話題の Harley Davidson 2022 FLTRXST Road Glide STが展示されました。Harley-Davidson Japan Booth exhibited the Harley Davidson 2022 Low Rider™ which is customized by NEIGHBORHOOD®, which is only one limited model in Japan. The Harley Davidson 2022 FLTRXST Road Glide ST, which has evolved into the Performance Bagger 101, with a fully customized performance bagger with genuine parts and accessory kits, was also exhibited.

BMW Motorrad
BMW Motorrad では 2022 BMW R18 の展示と Chabott Engineering / Shinya Kimura のトークショーをブース内で開催。ビルドした BMW R18 the Wall のここでしか語られる事がない制作秘話など気になる話題も多く、沢山の方が耳を澄まして Shinya Kimuraの話を聞き入っていたブースでした。BMW Motorrad booth had the 2022 BMW R18 on display and, Shinya Kimura of Chabott Engineering had a talk show in the booth. There were secret stories about the BMW R18 the Wall that he built and, people were listening closely to the special occasion.

アメリカ、カリフォルニア発のアイウェア・サングラスのブランド BLACKFLYS。昨年に引き続き、今年は BLACKFLYS X MOONEYES COACH JACKET を展開。もちろんサングラスも多数のモデルを展示販売し、皆さん気になるモデルをチェックしていました。BLACK FLYS is an eyewear/sunglasses brand born in California America. Continuing from last year, they signed for the SPONSOR and sold the BLACK FLYS MOONEYES COACH JACKET. Of course, they had several sunglasses at the booth and people were trying the models they want.

Pabst Blue Ribbon
Pabst Blue Ribbon ブースでは Pabst Blue Ribbon x MOONEYES クッションカバー & フロアマット を販売。さらに LAのストリートカルチャーに根差したアメリカのピザジョイントPIZZANISTA!の日本旗艦店PIZZANISTA!TOKYO 、SAMS MOTORCYCLE とのコラボアイテムが展開され多くの Limited Item が並びました。 At the Pabst Blue Ribbon booth, they were selling collaboration cushion cover and floor mat. Not only the collaboration with MOONEYES, and they also had a collaboration item with the PIZZANISTA! TOKYO and SAMS MOTORCYCLE, and had many collaboration-limited items at the booth.

フルジャパンメイドに拘り、新進気鋭のバーバーショップ MR.BROTHERS CUT CLUB、レジェンドとして業界に君臨するBARBER SHOP APACHE(アパッシュ)の両店がコラボレーションし造り上げたポマード、"BROSH POMADE” では、会場内に COOL なバーバーショップ を立ち上げ、BROSH X MOONEYES のコラボ Clothing や LOVE EAR ART とのコラボレーションアイテム を販売しました。ALL JAPAN-MADE. Up-and-Coming Barber Shop MR. BROTHERS CUT CLUB, and legendary BARBER SHOP APACHE created the collaboration pomade “BROSH POMADE”. At this booth, they have created a COOL temporary Barber Shop selling a BROSH x MOONEYES Collaboration clothing and collaboration item with the LOVE EAR ART.

HCS2022 SPOTLIGHT "Air Cooled in Re-Action" のエリアで展開した FLAT4ブースでは世界中の VINTAGE VWオーナー様のニーズに応える豊富なオートパーツに VINTAGEジュークボックス、さらに Air Cooled in Re-Action をプリントしたオリジナル Tシャツの販売。そして、ライドインでも登場した、Inch Pincher Too! を展示しました。They opened their booth in the SPOTLIGHT Area of "Air Cooled in Re-Action", and at the booth, they were having a Jukebox, and variety of auto parts that meets the need of VINTAGE VW Owners. They also had the original t-shirt of the main visual of the HCS2022 Spotlight. After the Ride in Inch Pincher Too! was exhibited next to the FLAT 4 booth.

ロンドンに拠点を構えるシルバーアクセサリーショップの THE GREAT FROG が2年ぶりに YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW に登場。今年は MOONEYES とコラボした Neckless、Air Valve Cap、Clothing と気になるアイテムを多数展示販売しました。THE GREAT FROG which is known as Silver Accessory Shop located in London, came back to YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW for the first time in two years. This year the collaborated items they released are Neckless, Air Valve Cap, and Clothing.

今回初の SPONSOR となったRED WING SHOES では、人気のブーツを展示販売、さらに このために用意した RED WING SHOES x MOONEYES コラボ シューホーンを販売していました。 RED WING SHOES has signed the first SPONSOR, and they were selling popular boots, and also selling special collaboration RED WING SHOES x MOONEYES Shoehorn.

Indian Motorcycle
こちらも初の SPONSOR となった Indian Motorcycle ブースでは、Indian x Red Wing Shoes Special 2022 Indian Chief を展示。他にも CHEETAH CUSTOM CYCLES が作成した車両の展示や2022 モデルの New Motorcycle など、見どころ満載なブースが登場しました。 Indian Motorcycle is another SPONSOR that signed for the first time, and at this booth, they have exhibited the Indian x Red Wing Shoes Special 2022 Indian Chief. At this booth, they exhibited motorcycles built by CHEETAH CUSTOM CYCLES and 2022 Model New Motorcycle and were like a Motorcycle Gallery.

己を信じ、自身の生き方にこだわりを持つ人々のためにデザインした商品を展開する SORRY WE'RE NEVER CLOSED ブースでは、MOONEYES とコラボしたスペシャルパッケージの Fragrance Gel を販売。Wildman 石井がデザインしたロゴも好評でした。ブースの隣には、Company Car の 1930 Ford Model A を展示し、こちらも注目を集めていました。 A brand named “SORRY WE ARE NEVER CLOSED” presents passionate products designed only for people who believe in themselves and strongly stick to their own lifestyle. At this booth, they released the MOONEYES special collaboration wrapping Fragrance Gel and gained popularity with Wildman designed logo. Beside their booth, they exhibited the Company Car of 1930 Ford Model A, and this car was also gaining attention.

国内でも沸々と人気が出てきている ROYAL ENFIELD が SPONSOR として登場。Continental GT650 をベースに米国ラスベガスを拠点に活動する Sosa Metalworks がカスタムした KAMALA。そしてライドインでも登場した、同じく Continental GT650 を Rough Crafts がカスタムした Midas Royal。さらに 2020 年からアメリカのフラットトラック選手権/AFT(アメリカン・フラット・トラック)のプロダクションツインクラスに参戦している INT650 に搭載される排気量 650cc のパラレルツイン・エンジンをベースに制作された TWINS FT が展示されました。 ROYAL ENFIELD is gradually gaining popularity in Japan and participated in the SPONSOR. Sosa Metalworks which works in Las Vegas customized the Continental GT650 to KAMALA and, Midas Royal was also customized from the Continental GT650 by Rough Craft. These two were featured in the Ride in, and they exhibited the TWINS FT, based on the 650cc parallel twin engine mounted on the INT650, which will be competing in the Production Twin Class of the American Flat Track Championship/AFT (American Flat Track) started from 2020.

会場外の喫煙ブースで展開した JT (JAPAN TOBACCO INC.) ブースでは、MOONEYES とコラボした Ploom X スキンシールを購入し、アンケートに答えて頂いた方へプレゼントしていました。 JT (JAPAN TOBACCO INC.) had a smoking booth outside the venue, and they were giving out MOONEYES collaborated cover sticker for the Ploom to people who purchase Ploom X and answered the survey.

HCS2022 では、4つの Band が会場をさらに盛り上げてくれました。INTERNATIONAL VILLAGE で演奏した Elcaminos、さらにステージ上では Oh! Sharels、The Minnesota VOO DOO MEN、Jackie and the Cedrics が登場! ライブが始まると沢山の人が集まり、ステージ上では大変な盛り上がりを見せていました。At the HCS2022, 4 Bands liven up the venue. At the International Village, Elcaminos, on the main stage Oh! Sharels, The Minnesota VOO DOO Men, Jackie, and the Cedrics had their performance. When the Live started people gathered at the main stage and excited the venue.

It was the day that just flew by, but the Event Report will continue even more!
- HCS2022 Report & Gallery Menu