HCS2023 Report & Gallery Menu
- HCS2023 Report & Gallery Menu

2023年12月3日(日)にパシフィコ横浜にて今年も快晴の中 31st Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2023 を開催しました。
Thank you for joining our show.
On Sunday, December 3rd, 2023, we held the 31st Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2023 at the Pacifico Yokohama.
The restriction is now gone for COVID-19 so, many people from worldwide came to Yokohama. This year we had the highest number of spectators ever and, the venue was full of excitement. We were able to hold the MQQNTASTIC show. We would like to extend our great THANQQ to everyone.
On Sunday, December 3rd, 2023, we held the 31st Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2023 at the Pacifico Yokohama.
The restriction is now gone for COVID-19 so, many people from worldwide came to Yokohama. This year we had the highest number of spectators ever and, the venue was full of excitement. We were able to hold the MQQNTASTIC show. We would like to extend our great THANQQ to everyone.
In the morning everyone was looking forward to the show and there was a long queue. We will continue to operate the event so that everyone can enter safely.
HCS2023 MOONEYES ブースは、会場中央から左右に分かれて展開しました。イベント前から話題になっていた CHALLENGER X MOON Equipped コラボアイテムはこちらの想像以上の人気となり、終日購入待ちの列が途絶える事がありませんでした。
また今年も皆さまのお腹を満たしてくれた Gangnam Gimbap X MOONEYES も大好評で、新たに Wildman Ishii のパッケージ デザインの掛け紙を巻いてご提供させていただきました。
さらに MOONEYES ブースでは今年から Illuminated signboard が登場したのはお気づきになられましたでしょうか?今後の HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW でも入口の目印として掲げますので、チェックしてみてください。
また今年も皆さまのお腹を満たしてくれた Gangnam Gimbap X MOONEYES も大好評で、新たに Wildman Ishii のパッケージ デザインの掛け紙を巻いてご提供させていただきました。
さらに MOONEYES ブースでは今年から Illuminated signboard が登場したのはお気づきになられましたでしょうか?今後の HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW でも入口の目印として掲げますので、チェックしてみてください。
For HCS2023, the MOONEYES booth was divided left and right from the center of the venue. On the left side from the entrance, there was the CHALLENGER x MOON Equipped booth that was popular before the event and it proved to be more popular and crowded throughout the entire day than we had anticipated.
Moreover, the Gangnam Gimbap x MOONEYES booth was also popular which satisfied everyone's appetite, also served a special Gimbap with the new Wildman package design.
From this year MOONEYES booth had a Illuminated Signboard and have you notice it? We will have it for now on at the HCS so, please check it.
Moreover, the Gangnam Gimbap x MOONEYES booth was also popular which satisfied everyone's appetite, also served a special Gimbap with the new Wildman package design.
From this year MOONEYES booth had a Illuminated Signboard and have you notice it? We will have it for now on at the HCS so, please check it.
8:00am に会場 OPEN し、どっと来場者が入ってきた頃、会場裏では、ライド イン ショー の為の準備が進められていました。
今年は、HCS2022 Best Of Show Automobile & Motorcycle に USA より Guest Car x1 , Guest Motorcycle x 8 さらに HERO SPONSOR'S MOTORCYCLES として BMW Motorrad, Harley-Davidson, Indian Motorcycle, Royal Enfield の4メーカーがライド イン しました。
久しぶりの海外の Guest Car & Motorcycle が会場内の花道を駆け抜け、会場内のボルテージは最高潮に達しました。
今年は、HCS2022 Best Of Show Automobile & Motorcycle に USA より Guest Car x1 , Guest Motorcycle x 8 さらに HERO SPONSOR'S MOTORCYCLES として BMW Motorrad, Harley-Davidson, Indian Motorcycle, Royal Enfield の4メーカーがライド イン しました。
久しぶりの海外の Guest Car & Motorcycle が会場内の花道を駆け抜け、会場内のボルテージは最高潮に達しました。
The show OPEN on 8:00 am and when many spectators came to the venue, at the backside of the venue preparation for the RIDE-IN SHOW started.
All the engines were revved up and the RIDE-IN SHOW started.
This year, we had HCS2022 Best Of Show Automobile & Motorcycle, Guest Car and 8 Guest Motorcycles from the USA, and BMW Motored, Harley-Davidson, Indian Motorcycle, and Royal Enfield as HERO SPONSOR'S MOTORCYCLES for the RIDE-IN.
It's been a while since the Oversea Guest Car & Motorcycles ran through the runway, and the voltage of the venue was at its highest!
All the engines were revved up and the RIDE-IN SHOW started.
This year, we had HCS2022 Best Of Show Automobile & Motorcycle, Guest Car and 8 Guest Motorcycles from the USA, and BMW Motored, Harley-Davidson, Indian Motorcycle, and Royal Enfield as HERO SPONSOR'S MOTORCYCLES for the RIDE-IN.
It's been a while since the Oversea Guest Car & Motorcycles ran through the runway, and the voltage of the venue was at its highest!

2022 BEST OF SHOW Automobile
Paradise Road
1950 Chevrolet 2 Door HT “Ultimatum”

Custom Works ZON / 1973 Harley-Davidson Shovelhead

1951 Mercury “Purple Reign” owned by Brian Omatsu
Finished and painted by Kraftsman Autoworks
(R)2021 Born-Free 12 Best in Show
CTNEWMAN Engineering / Christian Newman
1939 Harley-Davidson OHV / ULH
(C)2021 Born-Free 12 Best in Show
Vintage Technologies / Hawke Lawshe'
1966 Harley-Davidson Shovelhead
(L)2021 Born-Free 12 Invited Builder 1st Place
Metallhaus / Jake Wreesman
1948 Harley-Davidson Panhead "The Light"
(L)2022 Born-Free 13 Invited Builder 1st Place
Erotic City Choppers / David Polgreen
1956 Harley-Davidson KHK "The Grape Guarantee"
(R)2022 Born-Free 13 Best in Show
theofficialoldtrump / Tom Heavey
1951 Triumph Pre-Unit "Time Warp"
(L)2023 Born Free 14 Best in Show
Small City Cycles / Todd Asin
1946 Harley-Davidson Knucklehead
(R)2023 Born-Free 14 Invited Builder 1st Place
Wrecked Metals / Matt Whitlock
1959 Harley-Davidson Panhead
Chabott Engineering / Shinya Kimura
1979 Harley-Davidson FX “Shaker”
Royal Enfield
(L)2023 Royal Enfield Super Meteor 650 "Challenger"
by Cherry’s Company
(C)2023 Royal Enfield Super Meteor 650 Chopper
by Roland Sands Design
(R)2023 Royal Enfield Super Meteor 650 The Rolling Queen
by Deus Ex Machina
Indian Motorcycle
(L)2023 Indian Sport Chief
(C)2023 Indian Sport Chief
by Carey Hart
(R)2023 Indian Sport Chief
by Carey Hart
(L)2024 Harley-Davidson X500
(R)2022 Pan America 1250
by Suicide Machine Company
(R)2022 Pan America 1250
by Suicide Machine Company
BMW Motorrad
2022 BMW R 18 B by Custom Works ZON

Finally the show starts after the guest's introduction and photo session.
MOONEYES ブース と VANS ブースでお買い上げいただいた方に、抽選チケットをお渡しし、スペシャルな VANS Goods が当たる LUCKY PRIZE を開催!
その他会場限定のセールが行われており、沢山の VANS FAN がお宝アイテムを手にれる為ブースに訪れていました。
We gave out the Lottery tickets to the people who used the MOONEYES Booth or VANS booth and had a LUCKY PRIZE that can win special VANS Goods! There were also special offers limited to the venue and many of the VANS Fans went to the booth to win the special prizes.
バイクビルダーの Max Schaaf(マックス・シャーフ)氏と、WHITE'S BOOTS のスペシャル・コラボレーションモデル WHITE'S 10" 4Q NOMAD とWHITE'S 4Q FOREMAN が HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2023 により待望の再販開始となりました。
The bike builder Max Schaaf and WHITE'S BOOTS long-awaited special collaboration model WHITE'S 10" 4Q NOMAD とWHITE'S 4Q FOREMAN was re-released at the venue of HCS2023.
BMW Motorrad
BMW Motorrad の ヘリテイジ モデルの開発に関わったローランド・シュトッカー氏が Custom Works Zonが製作した最新の #R18B カスタムを Ridein Show で走らせ HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW で一般に初公開しました。さらにアーティストHOLHY氏のライブペイントが行われ、新作R18 ROCTANEのバイクとそれに乗るドラゴンを描き、巨大なアートピースが展示されました。
Roland Stocker who was involved in the production of the BMW Motored Heritage Model, and Zon of Custom Works built the latest #R18B Custom participated in the RIDE-IN SHOW, and debuted at the HCS2023 for the first time. Moreover, the artist HOLHY performed his live painting and drew a Dragon riding on the latest R18 ROCTANE Bike, and it was exhibited as a large art piece.
今年の HARLEY-DAVIDSON ブースでは4つのカスタムを、ノーマル仕様と比較展示。日本を代表するカスタムビルダー HOT-DOCK CUSTOM CYCLES の河北啓二氏、 @wedge_motorcycle の二平隆司氏が、デビュー間もない「X350」と「X500」のオリジナルカスタムを初公開。
さらに米ロングビーチ発 @smco が生み出したPAN AMERICAののレースカスタムも。このカスタムを組み上げた SUICIDE MACHINE COMPANY の Guardado兄弟も登場し、トークセッションを行いました。
This year's HARLEY-DAVIDSON booth has 4 Custom and Normal-style exhibits for comparison.
Japan's leading Custom Builder Keiji Kawakita of HOT-DOCK CUSTOM CYCLES, @wedge_motorcycle 's Takashi Nihira unveiled the original custom of the [X350] and [X500] shortly after its debut. Also, the PAN AMERICA's Race custom is made by @smxo from Long Beach, USA. They also had a talking session with the Guardado brothers of SUICIDE MACHINE COMPANY who did this customize.
Japan's leading Custom Builder Keiji Kawakita of HOT-DOCK CUSTOM CYCLES, @wedge_motorcycle 's Takashi Nihira unveiled the original custom of the [X350] and [X500] shortly after its debut. Also, the PAN AMERICA's Race custom is made by @smxo from Long Beach, USA. They also had a talking session with the Guardado brothers of SUICIDE MACHINE COMPANY who did this customize.
Pabst Blue Ribbon
MOONEYES × Pabst Blue Ribbon クッション & 缶バッチ、CANVAS CLOTHING STORE × Pabst Blue Ribbon × OCEANBEETLE Helmet、CANDY RED × 小野瀬一 × Pabst Blue Ribbon アガベ & Pot、HWZN BROSS × Pabst Blue Ribbon Clothing などなど他業種とのコラボアイテムが多数並び、独特の世界観を作られていました。
They had many collaboration items with other different types of industry and created their original world such as MOONEYES × Pabst Blue Ribbon cushion & can badges, CANVAS CLOTHING STORE × Pabst Blue Ribbon × OCEANBEETLE Helmet、CANDY RED × Hajime Onose × Pabst Blue Ribbon Agave & Pot、HWZN BROSS × Pabst Blue Ribbon Clothing.
今回は MOON Equipped x BROSH のコラボレーションポマードとアパレルを発売。作りこまれたブースが目を引くエリアでした。
This time they were selling MOON Equipped x BROSH collaboration pomade and apparel. The well-crafted booth was eye-catching.
日本の Motorcycle ビルダーの Cherry's Company とのコラボレーションした SUPER METEOR 650 をベースとしたカスタム バイク「Challenger」を YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW で世界初公開。北米や欧州で発表した Roland Sans Design および DEUS EX MACHINA がカスタムした SUPER METEOR 650 ベースのカスタムバイク も展示しました。さらに日本を拠点とするカスタムバイクビルダー/AN-BU CUSTOM MOTORS とのコラボレーションバイク「Royal Enfield-改/KAI」も展示されました。
The SUPER METEOR 650 collaborated with Japan's Motorcycle builder Cherry's Company and based that bike [Challenger] debut for the first time to the world at the HCS. They have also exhibited the Roland Sands Design and DEUS EX MACHINA customized SUPER METEOR650 base custom bike was exhibited, which was presented to North America and Europe. Moreover, Custom Bike Builder who is located in Japan, AN-BU CUSTOM MOTORS collaboration bike [Royal Enfield-改/KAI] was also on exhibit.
ブースではカスタムプロジェクト FORGED TOKYO で HUMONGOUS CUSTOM CYCLES 小松勇仁氏がカスタムした SPORT CHIEF を初披露!また INDIAN MOTORCYCLE x MOONEYES 限定ロングTシャツも販売しました。さらに フリーモトクロスライダーであるケアリー・ハート、インディアンモーターサイクル デザインディレクターのオラ・ステネガルドが来日しブースを盛り上げました。また Yellow 2023 Indian Sport Chief は Wildman Ishii がピンストライプを担当させていただきました。
At the booth, Yuto Komatsu of HUMONGOUS CUSTOM CYCLES customized SPORT CHIEF debuted as Custom Project FORGED TOKYO! They also released an INDIAN MOTORCYCLE x MOONEYES limited long-sleeve T-shirt. Moreover, Carey Hart known as a former professional freestyle motocross competitor, and Ola Stenegard who is the Industrial design director, came to Japan and welcomed the visitors. In addition, Wildman pinstriped on the Yellow 2023 Indian Sport Chief.
今年はMASSESとのコラボアイテムを販売。さらに Bonneville Salt Flats Speed Week 2024 に出場する、Valley Motorcycle の Jackie氏 のサポートグッツとして NEIGHBORHOOD×CHALLENGER とのコラボアイテムが販売されました。
This year, they released the collaboration items with the MASSES. They also released the NEIGHBORHOOD x CHALLENGER collaboration items as supporting goods for the Jackie of Valley Motorcycle who is going to compete in the Bonneville Salt Flats Speed Week 2024.
FLAT4はHCS2023で初披露となるカスタムプロジェクトカー2台をエントリー。 「FLAT4 Racing VW T Shirt」を発売。YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2023 オフィシャル ロゴの下に WEBER 48IDA を搭載したハイパフォーマンス VWエンジンのイラストがプリントされたTシャツを会場限定アイテムとして販売しました。すでに公開されている Event Report も必見です。
FLAT 4 has registered 2 project cars which debuted at HCS2023. They have also released the [FLAT 4 Racing VW T-shirt]. The t-shirt design features the YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2023 Official logo and the WEBER 48IDA high-performance VW engine illustration and released as a limited item at the venue.
You can also check their Event Report from here.
You can also check their Event Report from here.
RED WING SHOES はもちろんアメリカのクラフトマンシップを守り続けながらレザーシューズと革製品を生み出している同社の高品質なレザーを使用した RED WING × MOON Equipped Belt & Gloves を販売しました。
RED WING SHOES produces leather shoes and goods while maintaining American craftsmanship, and for this event, they released the RED WING x MOON Equipped Belt & Gloves which uses their high-quality leather.
ロンドンの中心で高品質のハンドメイド・ジュエリーを作り続けている THE GREAT FROG。今回はオリジナル ジュエリーを中心に THE GREAT FROG X MOONEYES Tシャツ、TGF BOA COACH JACKET、TGF BEANIE を発売。Custom Motorcycle も展示されました。
THE GREAT FROG produces high-quality handmade jewelry in the heart of London. This time, they released THE GREAT FROG x MOONEYES T-shirt, TGF BOA COACH JACKET, TGF BEANIE, and their original jewelry. They also exhibited their Custom Motorcycles.
音楽やスケート、サーフィン、モーターサイクル、ストリートカルチャーに触発されたブランドの BRIXTON ブースでは、今回 フランネルシャツ と サーマル Tシャツ を MOONEYES とコラボレーションして展開しました。さらに BRIXTON と言えば ヘッドウェア。沢山の HAT が展示、販売されました。
BRIXTON is a brand inspired by street culture such as music, skateboarding, surfing, and motorcycle, At their booth, they introduced the Flannel shirt and Thermal t-shirt which collaborated with MOONEYES. Speaking of BRIXTON, Headwear and they had many headwear on display and on sale.
1922年の創業以来、世界の労働者のためのワークウェアを作り続けている Dickies スポンサーブースに初登場!ディッキーズ定番商品にワッペンのカスタマイズを楽しめるカスタマイズ ワークショップ が大好評で、沢山の方が自分だけのオリジナル Dickies を作って楽しみました。
Dickies has joined the HERO SPONSOR booth for the first time! Dickies has been making workwear for the world's workers since 1922 and at the HCS they had a customized workshop that can enjoy customizing patches on their standard products. Many visitors enjoyed creating their own original Dickies workwear.
「楽しくバイクに乗る」という純粋な気持ちを忘れない、遊び心あふれるスタイルを提案する EVILACT。こちらもスポンサーブース初出店となりました。EVILACT と Stoop Motorcycle の合同ブースが展開され、MOONEYES×EVILACT×STOOP MOTORCYCLES"との3社コラボレーション アイテムが並びました。
EVILACT proposes a playful style, never forgetting the pure feeling of [Enjoy riding a bike]. They have also joined the HERO SPONSOR booth for the first time. EVILACT and Stoop Motorcycle developed a booth together and released the "MOONEYES x EVILACT x STOOP MOTORCYCLES" 3 brands collaboration items.
幅広い層をターゲットにオートクチュールなカスタムバイクやパーツそれに関わる服飾ジュエリーなどのLife-Styleも含め、様々な分野でのモノ創りをデザイン・プロデュース・製造販売する TRIJYA CUSTOM MOTORCYCLES がスポンサーブースに登場!TRIJYA らしい PAN AMERICA のカスタム車両を展示。さらに電子制御で音量を可変する Jekill & hyed JMCA車検対応マフラー の展示や、Hyed 社からのスタッフも YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW に
駆けつけ、Cap のプレゼント企画を行いました。
TRIJYA CUSTOM MOTORCYCLES designs, produces, manufactures, and sells products in a variety of fields, including lifestyle products such as haute couture custom motorcycles and parts, and related clothing and jewelry, targeting a wide range of customers. They exhibited the custom motorcycle of PAN AMERICA in their style. Moreover, they also had the Jekill & Hyed JMCA muffler that applies to car inspection and adjusts the volume with an electronic controlling exhibit. Staff from Hyde also came to the YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW and carried out Cap giveaway.
Harley-DavidsonやIndian、Triumphなどが生み出した古き良き時代のモーターサイクルと、それらを取り巻く深遠なる文化の普及/継承を命題とする紙媒体『ROLLER MAGAZINE』がスポンサーブースに初登場。今回 Langlitz Leathers が製作したショートムービー “The Passenger”。Langlitz を愛する男が愛車の Knucklehead チョッパーでアメリカをトリップする模様を美しい映像と音楽で描き出します。The Passenge X Langlitz X ROLLER MAGAZINE のトリプルネームで The Passengerに登場するチョッパーのアート ワークをあしらった3アイテムが展開されました。
さらに鬼才 Mark Drews が登場し、USA から持ち込んだ自身の Triumph と共に来場者との交流を楽しみました。
A paper-based company [ROLLER MAGAZINE]'s mission is to promote and pass on the good old days of motorcycles created by Harley-Davidson, Indian, Triumph, and others, and the profound culture that surrounds them. They also joined the HERO SPONSOR booth for the first time.
The short movie "The Passenger" was created by Langlitz Leathers, and it is a movie of the America Trip of Langlitz loved Knucklehead Chopper. They also released 3 items of the artwork using the chopper in The Passenger featuring the triple name of The Passenger X Langlitz X ROLLER MAGAZINE.
Moreover, the genius Mark Drew came with his Triumph from the USA and enjoyed the interactions with the visitors.
The short movie "The Passenger" was created by Langlitz Leathers, and it is a movie of the America Trip of Langlitz loved Knucklehead Chopper. They also released 3 items of the artwork using the chopper in The Passenger featuring the triple name of The Passenger X Langlitz X ROLLER MAGAZINE.
Moreover, the genius Mark Drew came with his Triumph from the USA and enjoyed the interactions with the visitors.
JT (日本たばこ産業)
会場外の喫煙ブースで展開した JT (JAPAN TOBACCO INC.) ブースでは【加熱式たばこデバイス】Ploom X ADVANCED の体験、販売を行い、American Sprits の試煙が行われました。
Outside the venue of the smoking booth, we had the JT (JAPAN TOBACCO INC.) booth and they had the Heated Tobacco device Ploom x ADVANCED in experience and sold, and also a place to try the American Spirits.

Pinup Girl Contest
2019年に開催された Pinup Girl Contest が フォトグラファーの Mitzi & co. そして、Psycho Apparel の全面協力により Come Back!
The Pinup Girl Contest came back with the support from photographer Mitzi & Co. and Psycho Apparel since 2019!
10 of the Domestic and Oversea finalists enlivened the main stage.
各自アピールタイムが行われ、厳選な審査を行い、いよいよ Award の発表です!
They each had an appealing time and the judgment was done.
(R)1st Place Brettie Page (USA) @brettiepage
(C)2nd Place bunny mami(JAPAN) @bunny_mamiii_1990
(L)3rd,Place Rose D'Luxe (AUSTRALIA) @rose_dluxe
Congratulations to the Award winners!
(R)1st Place Brettie Page (USA) @brettiepage
(C)2nd Place bunny mami(JAPAN) @bunny_mamiii_1990
(L)3rd,Place Rose D'Luxe (AUSTRALIA) @rose_dluxe

最後に Finalist 全員で撮影をし、3rd Annual Pinup Girl Contest は大盛況の上、幕を閉じました。
In the end, they had a photo session of all the Finalists the 3rd Annual Pinup Girl Contest ended with a great success.
今年の HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW は Live Band も大変盛り上がりました。International Village では THE EL CAMINOS が演奏を行い、Main Stage では OH! SHARELS, Minnesota Voodoo Men, Jackie and the Cedrics といつもお馴染みのメンバーがショー会場を盛り上げてくれました。そして今回おおとりを務めたのは HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 初登場の KODE TALKERS。話題のバンドが登場し、皆様と楽しい時間を共有しました。
This year's HCS Live Band also enlivened the venue. At the International Village, THE EL CAMINOS, at the Main Stage Oh! Sharels, Minnesota Voodoo Men, Jackie, and the Cedrics performed. The last Live band, performed was KODE TALKERS who is the first time came on the stage of HCS and enjoyed an unforgettable time together.

コロナ以降初の制限無しで行った YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW は例年以上に熱気に満ちた会場内で、本当にあっという間の一日でした。Event Report はまだまだ続きますので、どうぞお楽しみください。
It was the YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW for the first time without restriction of COVID-19, and the venue of full of enthusiasm more than ever. The event report will continue, please enjoy it until the end.
HCS2023 Report & Gallery Menu
- HCS2023 Report & Gallery Menu