今年もあっという間に撮影 Week がやってきました。普段は机にかじりついて皆様が見て下さっている MOONEYES Official Website や Online Shop の製作をしている僕ですが、1年の1回この期間だけは集中的に撮影業務をこなします。いつもは相方の PAN スミさんと一緒に HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW に来日するゲストの所を回るのですが、今回は PAN スミさんが激務の為、まさかの一人で行って来いという Boss からの指令がくだり、単身 カリフォルニア にやってきました。
Time flew so fast and it's already Photoshoot Week. Usually, I am constructing MOONEYES Official Website and Online Shop at my desk, but one time in a year in this period I will be concentrating on photographing. Pan Sumi was always my partner to go around the HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW guest's place but, this time Pan Sumi is busy so Boss ordered me to go by myself. So, I came to California alone.
Time flew so fast and it's already Photoshoot Week. Usually, I am constructing MOONEYES Official Website and Online Shop at my desk, but one time in a year in this period I will be concentrating on photographing. Pan Sumi was always my partner to go around the HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW guest's place but, this time Pan Sumi is busy so Boss ordered me to go by myself. So, I came to California alone.

恵まれている事に毎年ここ数年、年に1度はカリフォルニアの出張に来ているのですが、一人で来るのは生まれて初めて。いつもは USA出張に慣れている PAN スミさんに任せっぱなしだった様々な事を一人で解決しなければいけません。飛行機の搭乗はもちろん、カリフォルニアでの運転やガソリンスタンドでの給油、ホテルのチェックインから毎日の食事まで、ただでさえ動画と写真の両方を一手に任されてどうしようとあれこれ悩んでいるのに、今回は大変なTrip になりそうです。。。
各ゲストの詳細は 11月にお届け予定の MOON CALL にて詳しくお伝え致しますので、この Trip Report では撮影の裏話を中心にお届け致します。
そうそう毎年この Trip Report と同時期に公開となる HCS Demo Reel も完成しております!まずはこちらの動画をご覧頂いて、テンションを上げておいてください!
Fortunately, for a few years, I am coming to California once a year but this is my first time to come alone. Usually, I rely everything on Pan Sumi who is used to the USA, but for this time I have to do it all by myself. From going on the airplane to driving in California, and gas station, check-in for the hotel, everyday meal. I have to deal with all of the photographing and filming and have to deal with all of these and it will be a hard trip for me…
The details for each guest will be informed on MOON CALL that is scheduled to release on November so, this Trip Report will be going to report the secret story during the photoshoot.
Every year at the same time as this Trip Report HCS Demo Reel is also released. Before you start reading the Trip Report check this video and pump up!
そうこうしているうちに、カリフォルニアに到着!なんとか無事 MOONEYES USA に辿りつく事ができました。明日は夜中1時にホテルを出発して Northern California に向かいます!
In the meantime, I arrived in California! I was able to safely arrived at MOONEYES USA. Tomorrow, I will leave the hotel 1'o clock in the midnight and head for Northern California
各ゲストの詳細は 11月にお届け予定の MOON CALL にて詳しくお伝え致しますので、この Trip Report では撮影の裏話を中心にお届け致します。
そうそう毎年この Trip Report と同時期に公開となる HCS Demo Reel も完成しております!まずはこちらの動画をご覧頂いて、テンションを上げておいてください!
Fortunately, for a few years, I am coming to California once a year but this is my first time to come alone. Usually, I rely everything on Pan Sumi who is used to the USA, but for this time I have to do it all by myself. From going on the airplane to driving in California, and gas station, check-in for the hotel, everyday meal. I have to deal with all of the photographing and filming and have to deal with all of these and it will be a hard trip for me…
The details for each guest will be informed on MOON CALL that is scheduled to release on November so, this Trip Report will be going to report the secret story during the photoshoot.
Every year at the same time as this Trip Report HCS Demo Reel is also released. Before you start reading the Trip Report check this video and pump up!
そうこうしているうちに、カリフォルニアに到着!なんとか無事 MOONEYES USA に辿りつく事ができました。明日は夜中1時にホテルを出発して Northern California に向かいます!
In the meantime, I arrived in California! I was able to safely arrived at MOONEYES USA. Tomorrow, I will leave the hotel 1'o clock in the midnight and head for Northern California

眠たい目をこすりながら、MOONEYES USA から約8時間かけて 1970 Chevy C10 Pickup "Mafia Truck" のオーナーが住む Woodland までやってきました。田舎の風景が続くなか、あきらかに大きなお城のようなご自宅兼 Shop があり、広大な敷地の中で撮影がスタートしました。
Rubbing my sleepy eyes, I have arrived at Woodland where 1970 Chevy C10 Pickup "Mafia Truck" owner is living, which is 8 hours away from MOONEYES USA. In the countryside scenery, there was a large house like a castle also used as a shop. At that broad area, photographing started. I realized that the USA is incomparable.
Rubbing my sleepy eyes, I have arrived at Woodland where 1970 Chevy C10 Pickup "Mafia Truck" owner is living, which is 8 hours away from MOONEYES USA. In the countryside scenery, there was a large house like a castle also used as a shop. At that broad area, photographing started. I realized that the USA is incomparable.

Owner の Sean Provost にもお会いし、ショーをすごく楽しみにしていらっしゃるとおっしゃられていました。またこの撮影の様子を
Shop Staff の方が撮影されており、妙な緊張感の中撮影が進んで行きました。
じゃあ走行写真を撮影しに行きましょう!という事になり、Provost Motorsports の Shop Truck で並走して頂ける事になりました。いざ Pickup のベッド乗り込もうとしたら、強烈なロワードをしている Pickup の為、ベッドが極端に浅く、これ絶対落ちるなと思いながら、撮影に臨みました。なんとか落下は防げたものの、生きた心地がしませんでした。。。
I have met the owner Sean Provost and he said that he is really looking forward to the Show. And this scene was also photographed by their Shop Staff and photoshoot continued in somewhat awkward nervousness. Then we decided to take a driving photo so, Provost Motorsports' Shop Truck ran side-by-side. When it was time to go on the bed of the Pickup, it is lowered extremely so, the bed was really narrow and I thought I might fall off and challenged to take a photo. I didn't fall off but my heart was in my mouth.
じゃあ走行写真を撮影しに行きましょう!という事になり、Provost Motorsports の Shop Truck で並走して頂ける事になりました。いざ Pickup のベッド乗り込もうとしたら、強烈なロワードをしている Pickup の為、ベッドが極端に浅く、これ絶対落ちるなと思いながら、撮影に臨みました。なんとか落下は防げたものの、生きた心地がしませんでした。。。
I have met the owner Sean Provost and he said that he is really looking forward to the Show. And this scene was also photographed by their Shop Staff and photoshoot continued in somewhat awkward nervousness. Then we decided to take a driving photo so, Provost Motorsports' Shop Truck ran side-by-side. When it was time to go on the bed of the Pickup, it is lowered extremely so, the bed was really narrow and I thought I might fall off and challenged to take a photo. I didn't fall off but my heart was in my mouth.

Woodland から1時間移動して、Ryan Grossman の自宅がある Martines にやって来ました。Ryan Grossman の所に来るのはこれで3度目。今回はいつもと違う場所で撮影しようというリクエストに応えて、撮影場所まで連れて来て頂きました。
An hour away from Woodland, I came to Martines Ryan Grossman's house. This is the third time to come to Ryan Grossman's place. I have requested to take it at a different place so, we came to a different place than before.
An hour away from Woodland, I came to Martines Ryan Grossman's house. This is the third time to come to Ryan Grossman's place. I have requested to take it at a different place so, we came to a different place than before.

毎年のように新しい Show Bike を作っていますが、彼がインスパイアされた車両はどれも独特の造形で、その車両が走る姿はいつみてもかっこいいなぁと思わせてくれます。今年の HCS でのライドインも期待していてください。
弾丸でやってきた Northern Carifornia。さすがにこの日の体力はこの撮影で底を突き、泥のように眠りました。
Almost every year he is making a new Show Bike but, all the motorcycles that he is inspired has a unique style and I am amazed everytime when I see it running. Please look forward to the Ride-In at HCS.
Northern California that I came like a whirlwind. It's about time and my physical strength run out and slept like a log.
弾丸でやってきた Northern Carifornia。さすがにこの日の体力はこの撮影で底を突き、泥のように眠りました。
Almost every year he is making a new Show Bike but, all the motorcycles that he is inspired has a unique style and I am amazed everytime when I see it running. Please look forward to the Ride-In at HCS.
Northern California that I came like a whirlwind. It's about time and my physical strength run out and slept like a log.

翌日は Hayward まで南下し、昨日撮影した 1970 Chevy C10 Pickup "Mafia Truck" を製作秘話をお伺いしに、 Bill Ganahl の Shop、South City Rod & Custom にやって来ました。
Next day I went down South to Hayward when Bill Ganahl's Shop South City Rod & Custom is placed, to hear some story about 1970 Chevy C10 Pickup "Mafia Truck" that I took yesterday.
Next day I went down South to Hayward when Bill Ganahl's Shop South City Rod & Custom is placed, to hear some story about 1970 Chevy C10 Pickup "Mafia Truck" that I took yesterday.

有名な Pro Shop なので、各車両のクオリティが高く、昨年ゲストで来日した Coby Gewertz's の New Car も鋭意製作中だそうです。実は今回来日する C-10 は上の画像の Pontiac GTO に影響されて、ボディのカラーやコンセプトを決めたそうです。こちらのクルマも隙のない仕上がりになっていました。
It is famous Pro Shop so, each automobiles are high quality and they are currently working hard to make New Car of Coby Gewertz who was last year's guest. Actually, the C-10 that is coming is influenced by Pontiac GTO in the image and decided the body color and concept. This car was also in a great finish.
It is famous Pro Shop so, each automobiles are high quality and they are currently working hard to make New Car of Coby Gewertz who was last year's guest. Actually, the C-10 that is coming is influenced by Pontiac GTO in the image and decided the body color and concept. This car was also in a great finish.

South City Rod & Custom を後にし、さらに南下して Merced にやって来ました。ここでは若干23才の若きビルダー Reno Sevilla が営む Shop でインタビューをしながら、この車の製作ストーリーやショップを始めた経緯などを教えてくれました。
After leaving South City Rod & Custom I went further down to the South to Merced. At this place we interview in the shop of 23 years old young builder Reno Sevilla, and he told us the stories of this car and why he started the shop.
After leaving South City Rod & Custom I went further down to the South to Merced. At this place we interview in the shop of 23 years old young builder Reno Sevilla, and he told us the stories of this car and why he started the shop.

Shop を後にし、近くの飛行場で撮影がスタート。この日はとても暑く、ふらふらになりながらなんとか撮影が終了しました。Dinner
を一緒に食べようという事になり、Reno の家族のみなさんとメキシカンを囲んで楽しい食事をさせてもらいました。が、あまりに楽しみすぎて長居をしてしまい、気が付けばすでに夜の9時を回っています。ここから MOONEYES USA のある Santa Fe Springs に戻るのに後5時間はかかります。。。なんとか深夜2時頃にホテルに到着し、事情を説明してなんとかチェックインでき、慌ててデーターのバックアップと翌日の為にバッテリーの充電をして仮眠をとりました。
After we left the shop, photoshoot started at the airfield near the shop. This day was really hot and it made me dizzy but just ended the photoshoot. I had a dinner with Reno's family and enjoy the Mexican food and had a fun time. Although, I stayed too long and when I noticed it was already 9 in the night. From this place to Santa Fe Springs where MOONEYES USA placed it take 5 more hours to go back… And I arrived at the hotel 2 in the midnight and explained the situation and check-in for the hotel. In a hurry I took the backup of the data and charge the battery for tomorrow's photoshoot and took a short nap.
After we left the shop, photoshoot started at the airfield near the shop. This day was really hot and it made me dizzy but just ended the photoshoot. I had a dinner with Reno's family and enjoy the Mexican food and had a fun time. Although, I stayed too long and when I noticed it was already 9 in the night. From this place to Santa Fe Springs where MOONEYES USA placed it take 5 more hours to go back… And I arrived at the hotel 2 in the midnight and explained the situation and check-in for the hotel. In a hurry I took the backup of the data and charge the battery for tomorrow's photoshoot and took a short nap.

翌日は Huntington Beach の Dynamite Joe のご自宅にお伺いしました。昨年の続き2年連続の Joe。ご自宅にお伺いするのも3回目なので、リラックスした雰囲気で撮影がスタートしました。
The next day I went to Dynamite Joe's home in Huntington Beach. Joe who is coming twice in a row. This is the third time to visit his house and the photoshoot started in a relaxing atmosphere. I have noticed later that the field was sprinkled with water and when the photoshoot was over, I was half wet…
The next day I went to Dynamite Joe's home in Huntington Beach. Joe who is coming twice in a row. This is the third time to visit his house and the photoshoot started in a relaxing atmosphere. I have noticed later that the field was sprinkled with water and when the photoshoot was over, I was half wet…

前日から体調不良だった Joe ですが、僕たちが撮影に来るという事で無理して長時間お付き合い頂きました。残念ながら走行シーンは見る事ができませんでしたが、今年車両はあの奇才 マーク ドルゥー が製作したタンクやフェンダーなど、見どころ満載です。
Joe was not feeling well from the day before, but because we were coming for the photoshoot, he made a time for us. unfortunately, I couldn't take the driving scene but this year's motorcycle are using tank and fender by Mark Drew. It will be one of the Must See for this motorcycle.
Joe was not feeling well from the day before, but because we were coming for the photoshoot, he made a time for us. unfortunately, I couldn't take the driving scene but this year's motorcycle are using tank and fender by Mark Drew. It will be one of the Must See for this motorcycle.

翌日、今回唯一の Triumph の Tiger Shack / Ryan Mullion に会いに Orange に向かいました。ご自宅の前には沢山の Triumph が並べられ、ガレージにも現在製作中の Triumph が鎮座していました。
The next day I went to Orange to meet Ryan Mullion who owns the Triumph Tiger Shack, which is only one Triumph for this year's guest. On the front of his house many Triumph was lined up and there was a Triumph in the garage that is under construction.
The next day I went to Orange to meet Ryan Mullion who owns the Triumph Tiger Shack, which is only one Triumph for this year's guest. On the front of his house many Triumph was lined up and there was a Triumph in the garage that is under construction.

It is compact, clean and skinny Triumph with the vivid color and probably many people will get fascinated by it. Please also give attention to the professional state details. This place was also sprinkled with water but at this time I didn't care about it. Just kidding.
It is compact, clean and skinny Triumph with the vivid color and probably many people will get fascinated by it. Please also give attention to the professional state details. This place was also sprinkled with water but at this time I didn't care about it. Just kidding.

午後からは Tiger Shack からほど近い Cycle Lodge に Born Free 10 "Invited Builder 1st Place" Born Free 10 " Best Knucklehead " Vintage Technologies / Hawke Lawshe'の 1946 HD Knucklehead "HADES" が到着しているという知らせを聞いて撮影に行ってきました。
Born Free のオーガナイザー Grant に Mike Davis、さらに Harpoon、Jeff Leighton とみなさん勢揃いでした。一人で動かすのは怖かったので、お願いしたところ、軽々と移動してくださいました。ありがとうございます!
From afternoon I heard that Born Free 10 "Invited Builder 1st Place" Born Free 10 " Best Knucklehead " Vintage Technologies / Hawke Lawshe's 1946 HD Knucklehead "HADES" arrived at Cycle Lodge where it is quite near to Tiger Shack, so I went to take the photo. Born Free Organizer Grant and Mike Davis, Harpoon and Jeff Leighton, everyone were gathered.
From afternoon I heard that Born Free 10 "Invited Builder 1st Place" Born Free 10 " Best Knucklehead " Vintage Technologies / Hawke Lawshe's 1946 HD Knucklehead "HADES" arrived at Cycle Lodge where it is quite near to Tiger Shack, so I went to take the photo. Born Free Organizer Grant and Mike Davis, Harpoon and Jeff Leighton, everyone were gathered.

長く伸ばされたフロントフォークや R を描いたダウンチューブ はかなり計算しつくされた作りになっているそうで、単純に見た目だけではなく、走行する事も念頭に置いた作りになっているそうです。
Lengthened front fork and down tube drawing the R is calculated and made so, not only the looks but it is also made to run. Although, I'm too scared to go on it…
Lengthened front fork and down tube drawing the R is calculated and made so, not only the looks but it is also made to run. Although, I'm too scared to go on it…

翌日 Harbor City に Shop を引っ越しした、Starlite Rod & Kustom へやって来ました。久しぶりにエドガーさんとも会う事ができて、相変わらず陽気な雰囲気はそのままでした。
The next day, I came to Starlite Rod & Kustom where it moved the Shop to Harbor City. It's been a while to see Mr. Edgar and he hasn't changed.
The next day, I came to Starlite Rod & Kustom where it moved the Shop to Harbor City. It's been a while to see Mr. Edgar and he hasn't changed.

Kustom された T-bird のオーナーは警察官の方だそうです。ACCUAIR を組んだ足回りで完全着地し、スキャロップが入った 60's Style なペイントに、
Kustom グリルと見どころ満載な車両です。
Owner of the Kustomed T-bird is Police Officer. It is Must See automobile with suspension with ACCUAIR, 60's style paint with scallop and Kustom grille.
Owner of the Kustomed T-bird is Police Officer. It is Must See automobile with suspension with ACCUAIR, 60's style paint with scallop and Kustom grille.

翌日は Cypress の Roland Sands Design へ行ってきました。謎に包まれていたバイクがようやくベールを脱ぎました。
The next day I went to Roland Sands Design in Cypress. The motorcycle veiled in mystery has now appeared. This year there are many motorcycle that is scary to touch.
The next day I went to Roland Sands Design in Cypress. The motorcycle veiled in mystery has now appeared. This year there are many motorcycle that is scary to touch.

撮影前日まで最後の仕上げをしていたという 1934 BMW R7 "9T Concept R7"。遅れていたシートも到着し、しっかり形になっていました。古い車両ながら、Roland Sands Design のパーツがあちこちに散りばめられ、 Looks はもちろん、その走りにも妥協しない作りになっていました。ここから最終調整をして横浜に持って来るそうなので、当日は走る姿を見る事ができそうです。
1934 BMW R7 "9T Concept R7" was in the finishing the day before. The seat that was delayed has arrived and it was in a good shape. It is an old motorcycle but parts from Roland Sands Design are used and not only the Looks but the run was also perfect. From now on it is going in the final adjustment and bring to Yokohama so, on the day of the show we can see it running.
1934 BMW R7 "9T Concept R7" was in the finishing the day before. The seat that was delayed has arrived and it was in a good shape. It is an old motorcycle but parts from Roland Sands Design are used and not only the Looks but the run was also perfect. From now on it is going in the final adjustment and bring to Yokohama so, on the day of the show we can see it running.

さぁ残り後2日。Burbank にある、OLD CROW SPEED SHOP にやってきました。Bobby さんとはここ数年、毎年 HCS でお会いしていましたが、ショップへはベリータンクとゲストで来たとき以来なので、久しぶりにショップへお邪魔しました。
2 more days left. I came to OLD CROW SPEED SHOP in Burbank. I have met Mr. Bobby in HCS in this few years but it has been a while to visit the shop. Last time I visit was when it came with the Belly Tank as a guest.
2 more days left. I came to OLD CROW SPEED SHOP in Burbank. I have met Mr. Bobby in HCS in this few years but it has been a while to visit the shop. Last time I visit was when it came with the Belly Tank as a guest.

今回の Motorcycle はレースをする為にビルドされていて、フロントホールには Black ペイントされた MOON DISCS リアのカウルも脱着が容易にできるようになっていて、考えられた作りになっていました。タイヤがものすごく細く、これでボンネビルを走ると思うと恐ろしいなぁと感じました。
Bobby の右となりに写っている方が、ビルダーの Justin Wallsです。
This Motorcycle was build for the race and the front hole is was made to easily take on / off the MOON DISCS rear cowl. And by looking at it you can tell that is it made really thoughtfully. The tire is thin and it terrifying that this will run at Bonneville. Person in the right to Bobby is the builder Justin Walls.
This Motorcycle was build for the race and the front hole is was made to easily take on / off the MOON DISCS rear cowl. And by looking at it you can tell that is it made really thoughtfully. The tire is thin and it terrifying that this will run at Bonneville. Person in the right to Bobby is the builder Justin Walls.

In the afternoon we moved to take the photo outside. It was the hottest time.
In the afternoon we moved to take the photo outside. It was the hottest time.

Fast Eddy Co. / Chris Graves の 1975 HD Shovelhead "Hush Your Mouth" を Justin Walls が自身のバイクと共に一緒に運んで来てくれたので、
Justin Walls carried his motorcycle and Fast Eddy Co. / Chris Graves' 1975 HD Shovelhead "Hush Your Mouth" so, I was able to take the photo. By then I was exhausted but finished the photoshoot and the hard day ended. At this time I was really tanned.
Justin Walls carried his motorcycle and Fast Eddy Co. / Chris Graves' 1975 HD Shovelhead "Hush Your Mouth" so, I was able to take the photo. By then I was exhausted but finished the photoshoot and the hard day ended. At this time I was really tanned.

いよいよ最終日。キャノンボールから帰ったばかりの chabott Engineering の Shinya Kimuraさん所にやってきました。自分が若かりし頃、カスタムに興味を持ち始めた時に地元活躍されていた木村さんに会えるということで、実は出張前からかなり緊張していました。
Finally it is the last day. I went to meet chabott Engineering Shinya Kimura who came back from Canon Ball. I was quite nervous to meet Kimura-san because he succeeded at my hometown when I was young and when I started to get interested in Custom.
Finally it is the last day. I went to meet chabott Engineering Shinya Kimura who came back from Canon Ball. I was quite nervous to meet Kimura-san because he succeeded at my hometown when I was young and when I started to get interested in Custom.

今回その木村さんがビルドしたのが YAMAHA SR。なぜ今回 SR を製作したのかは MOON CALL で詳しく掲載するので割愛させて頂きますが、跨った時に、抉られたタンクに膝と肘がぴたっと収まる感じは、鳥肌ものでした。完成まであと一歩の所まで来ているそうなので、是非会場でじっくりと見てみてください。
10日間に渡るハードなスケジュールもなんとか終わり、いよいよ帰国となります。YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW の前売り券の販売もスタートし、いよいよショー開催まで今年も後わずかとなりました。これから限定アイテムを初めとした様々な情報を HCS Official Website に展開していきますので、どうぞお見逃しなく!
ながながと私の Trip Report にお付き合い頂き、ありがとうございました!それでは12月2日(日) にパシフィコ横浜でお会いしましょう!
This time what Kimura-san built was YAMAHA SR. The reason why he selected SR will be mentioned in MOON CALL so I will skip the further details. However, it gave me chills when I went on the my knee and elbow fitted the tank. It is getting close to the finish so, please take a close look at the venue.
It was 10days tight schedule but it ended safely and time to go back to Japan. The Advance Ticket for YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW is now available and few more weeks until the Show. We will be announcing more information starting with Limited Items and other information on HCS Official Website so, please don't miss it!
Thank you for reading through my long Trip Report! Let's meet at Pacifico Yokohama on Sunday 2nd of December !
10日間に渡るハードなスケジュールもなんとか終わり、いよいよ帰国となります。YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW の前売り券の販売もスタートし、いよいよショー開催まで今年も後わずかとなりました。これから限定アイテムを初めとした様々な情報を HCS Official Website に展開していきますので、どうぞお見逃しなく!
ながながと私の Trip Report にお付き合い頂き、ありがとうございました!それでは12月2日(日) にパシフィコ横浜でお会いしましょう!
This time what Kimura-san built was YAMAHA SR. The reason why he selected SR will be mentioned in MOON CALL so I will skip the further details. However, it gave me chills when I went on the my knee and elbow fitted the tank. It is getting close to the finish so, please take a close look at the venue.
It was 10days tight schedule but it ended safely and time to go back to Japan. The Advance Ticket for YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW is now available and few more weeks until the Show. We will be announcing more information starting with Limited Items and other information on HCS Official Website so, please don't miss it!
Thank you for reading through my long Trip Report! Let's meet at Pacifico Yokohama on Sunday 2nd of December !