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Little Get Together Party
HCS 前日に、パシフィコ横浜にて 恒例の Little Get Together Party を開催致しました。今年は海外の方が多数参加してくださったので、例年以上にインターナショナルな Party となりました。
Drink サーブでは、今年も本牧の IG が出張してくださり、メインステージでは LIVE BAND に Oh! Sharels が登場し、来場した方が Dance をしたりと大盛り上がり。さらに沢山の方が提供してくださったラッフルが行われ、途中からはかわいい Kids が抽選ナンバーを読み上げるなど楽しい Party は夜遅くまで続きました。
The annual Little Get Together Party was held at Pacifico Yokohama the day before HCS. For this year many foreign visitors participated and it was more like an International Party than usual.
IG from Honmoku provided the drink serving for this year as well. Oh! Sharels performed at the main stage and some people were dancing. The venue became really exciting. Furthermore, a raffle was done with many people's offering, and during the raffle some cute kids helped to read out the raffle number. The fun party continued late into the night.
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