HCS2018 Report & Gallery Menu
Pinup Girl Contest
Pinstripe Gathering
L.G.T Party


12月2日(日) に今年もパシフィコ横浜にて、27th Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2018 (以下 HCS2018) を開催いたしました。

今年は "Cherish Our Kulture – 大切に – Tai setsu ni" 自分達の Kulture を大切にしようという意味を込めた言葉を掲げ、1年を通じて日本国内はもちろん、世界中の人々に拡散のご協力を頂きました。2018年も 2輪での来場は禁止とさせて頂きましたが、今年も1日を通して、会場外は Shizuka な一日となり、皆様と共に素晴らしい Show を開催する事ができました。沢山のご協力ありがとうございました。

また2019年もさらに素晴らしい Show になるように皆様と一緒にこの Kulture を大切に育てて行けるように、引き続きご協力お願い致します。

HCS 2018 DVD は3月上旬発売予定!

Open から Close まで一日中熱気に満ちた HCS2018 を余すことなく詰め込んだ、27th Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2018 DVD が 2019年3月上旬に発売予定!Show 当日の様子はもちろん、HCS2018の為に来日したゲスト達を カリフォルニアで事前取材した様子、Official だからこそ撮影できた映像の数々を余す事無く詰め込んだスペシャルな一枚。会場に来られた方はもちろん、残念ながら来られなかった方も楽しめる DVD です。ご予約時期は近日お知らせ致しますので、今暫くお待ちください。

Thank you for many supports.

On Sunday 2, December at Pacifico Yokohama there was the 27th Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW.

This year we hold up the "Cherish Our Kulture – 大切に – Tai setsu ni" and thorough out the year not only in Japan, we got support from many other countries. We have prohibited the entry with 2 wheeled vehicle again this year so, outside the venue was Shizuka throughout the day. As a result, we were able to hold a wonderful show with everyone. Thank you for many support.

We would like to continue to cooperate that we can Cherish this Kulture and Grow it together so that it will be even more wonderful Show in 2019.

HCS 2018 DVD is scheduled to be available in early March!

27th Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2018 DVD will be available on early much with full of excitement of HCS 2018 from Open to Close! Not only the day of the Show, but there is also an interview of the Guest invited to HCS, which was filmed in advance in California. It is the Special DVD that is full of manta scenes that was filmed because we are the Official. Everyone can enjoy the DVD, although you came or not. We will announce the pre-order date soon so, please look forward.
今年は早朝からすでに長蛇の列ができていた HCS2018。8:00am を迎え、Show Opening となりました。

From early in the morning, there was the long line at the venue of HCS2018. 8:00am Show Opened.
OPEN 早々、MOONEYES ブースには沢山のお客様にお立ち寄り頂きました。今年は開催前から話題になっていた、VANS X MOONEYES Shoes 、 Rat Fink X-Ray Doll など、沢山の HCS2018 限定アイテムをご用意致しました。 さらに "Pan" Sumi & Tajima のタッグで夜な夜な製作した、特大 "Tai setsu ni" Cube オブジェも登場し、沢山の方に記念写真撮影を楽しんで頂きました。

From OPEN, many people came to the MOONEYES Booth. VANS X MOONEYES Shoes, Rat Fink X-Ray Doll and other HCS2018 Limited Items are already a hot topic before the show. And there was the Extra Large "Tai setsu ni" Cube object made by "Pan" Sumi & Tajima working night after night together. Many people were taking a photo and enjoyed it.
開場が OPEN した頃、開場外では HCS2018 ゲスト達の Car & Motorcycle がライドインに向けて準備を開始しました。

While the venue OPENED at the outside of the venue HCS2018 Guests were getting ready their Cars & Motorcycles for the Ride In.

Ride in Show

開場内に作られた花道には、Ride in Show を一目見ようと集まった人々でいっぱいに!続々とゲスト達が入場してきました。 HCS2018 では車が3台、Motorcycle 8台 が USA よりやって来ました。 さらに昨年からこの Ride in Show では、Art Of Speed を主催する Asep が、MC をしてくれています!Thank you Asep!!

At the Runway of the venue, many people were gathered to see the Rid in Show! Guests entered the venue one after another. For HCS2018, 3 Cars and 8 Motorcycles came from the USA. And from last year's Ride in Show, Asep who is the organizer of the Art Of Speed did the MC! Thank you Asep!!
Provost Motorsports / South City Rod & Custom
1970 Chevy C10 Pickup "Mafia Truck"
Owned by Sean Provost

まず最初に入場してきたのは、1970 Chevy C10 Pickup "Mafia Truck"。 本場 USA の Show でも数々の Award を獲得している話題の Pickup Truck が HCS にやってきました。 クオリティの高い Show Car を製作する South City Rod & Custom とのタッグで製作されたこの車両は、今 USA で徐々に流行って来ている New スタイルの Pickup に刺激を受けた方も多かったのではないでしょうか?

The first one to enter is 1970 Chevy C10 Pickup "Mafia Truck", The Pickup Truck that won many Awards in the home country USA came to HCS. This Car is built by South City Rod & Custom which is known by building high-quality Show Car. Some people might get stimulated by the New Style Pickup that is gradually getting popular in the USA.
Renobilt / Victor "Reno" Sevilla
1959 Ford F100 "Tequila Sunset"

今年の Car Show Spotlight Out of Control "Full Size Pickup Spectacular" よりもう一台の ゲスト Car 1959 Ford F100 "Tequila Sunset" が入場してきました。若干 24歳の若きビルダー "Reno"が製作した Tequila Sunset。ペイントは Gene Winfield が担当しており、得意のフェードペイントがまぶしい Custom Truck をご堪能いただけたと思います。

One more Guest Car from this year's Car Show Spotlight Out of Control "Full-Size Pickup Spectacular", 1959 Ford F100 "Tequila Sunset" entered. 24 years old young builder Victor "Reno" Sevilla built the "Tequila Sunset". The paint is by Gene Winfield and his professional fad paint is brightly shining on the Custom Truck.
Starlite Rod & Kustom
1963 Ford Thunderbird "D'Bird"
Owned by Mike Duarte

2013年の HCS から5年ぶりに来日した Starlite Rod & Kustom の 1963 Ford Thunderbird "D'Bird" が登場。絶妙な濃淡で塗り分けられたカスタムペイントに、特徴的なフロントグリル、 マイルドカスタムながらも、一度見たら釘づけになる素晴らしいバランスは流石でした。

Starlite Rod & Kustom 1963 Ford Thunderbird "D'Bird" who came to Japan from HCS in 2013, and came back for the first time in five years. The perfect tones of the custom paint and the front grille with characteristic, it is mild custom but the excellent balancing got people's attention.
(L) Born Free 10 "Invited Builder 1st Place"
Born Free 10 " Best Knucklehead "
Vintage Technologies / Hawke Lawshe' - 1946 HD Knucklehead "HADES"

(C) Vintage Dreams / Ryan Grossman - 1954 HD Panhead "Baddd Hunny"

(R) Dynamite Joe Kerivan - 1957 HD Panhead

続いて Motorcycle がやってきました。まずは Born Free 10 で Invite Builder の中で TOP になった、Vintage Technologies Hawke Lawshe'の 1946 HD Knucklehead "HADES"。特徴的なロングフォークに、Rのついたフレームは絶大なインパクトを与えていました。

さらに今回で3度目のゲストとして来日する Ryan Grossman - 1954 HD Panhead "Baddd Hunny"。今回の車両はずっと昔から彼がやりたかった事を盛り込んだ至極の一台と共にやってきました。

そして昨年に引き続いて、花道を走ってきたのは、Dynamite Joe Kerivan の 1957 HD Panhead。 今回 Motorycle Spotlight Character and Sound "Eternal Panhead" 奇才 Mark Drews が製作した Gas Tank & Fender に John Edwards がペイントした Panhead。とてもプライベーターとは思えないショー クオリティに仕上げられた Motorcycle でした。

Followed to the Car are the Motorcycles. First one is the 1946 HD Knucklehead "HADES"" by Vintage Technologies Hawk Lawshe' which was the TOP of Invite Builder in Born Free 10. Long fork with characteristic and the frame with the R was giving great impact.

And then Ryan Grossman with his 1954 HD Panhead "Baddd Hunny", which is the third time to come as the guest. This Motorcycle is his extreme one which included what we wanted to do from long ago.

The next one ride in on the runway is followed from last year, Dynamite Joe Kerivan and his 1957 HD Panhead. The Panhead which is this year's Motorcycle Spotlight Character and Sound Eternal Panhead has Gas Tank & Fender built by Mark Drews and painted John Edwards. It was the Motorcycle that is finished in Show Quality that it cannot think that is made by a privateer.
(L) Born Free 10 "Best Paint"
The Tiger Shack / Ryan Mullion - 1953 Triumph 6T

(R) Born Free 10 "Best Shovelhead"
Fast Eddy Co. / Chris Graves - 1975 HD Shovelhead "Hush Your Mouth"

今年唯一の Triumph の The Tiger Shack / Ryan Mullion - 1953 Triumph 6T が登場!コンパクトでスキニーな車両で、ピンクのカラーが存在感抜群の Motorcycleは Triumph を熟知した彼だからこそ完成した至極の一台でした。

さらに Fast Eddy Co. Chris Graves の 1975 HD Shovelhead "Hush Your Mouth" が奥様と共に走って来ました。徹底的に走る事にこだわって作り込まれた Shovelhead はウォーム アップした時から絶好調でした。

The only Triumph from the Guest is Tiger Shack / Ryan Mullion - 1953 Triumph 6T! It is compact and skinny Motorcycle and the hot pink color has great existence. It is the extreme one that is finished because he has full knowledge of Triumph.

And then, Fast Eddy Co. Chris Graves with his 1975 HD Shovelhead "Hush Your Mouth" came in with his wife on the back. The Shovelhead which is built thoughtfully to run was in the best condition from the warmup.

(L) Born Free 10 "Best in Show"
Built The Traditional Way / Justin Walls / Co-designer Bobby Green - 1948 Harley Davidson UL "Blackbird"

(C) Roland Sands Design / Roland Sands - 1934 BMW R7 "9T Concept R7"

(R) chabott Engineering / Shinya Kimura - 1978 / 2018 Yamaha SR "Crystal Trophy"

まずは、Built The Traditional Way / Justin Walls が 1948 Harley Davidson UL "Blackbird" で登場!レースバイクの為、残念ながら走る姿を見る事は叶いませんでしたが、Joe Patrali の Blue Bird をオマージュしながら、彼のセンスで作り込まれた車両は沢山の方を魅了してくれました。

そして、久しぶりに Roland Sands がゲストとして HCS にやって来ました!1年がかりの大きなプロジェクトの末、ぎりぎりで間に合わして来る所はさすがです。現代のエンジンにモダンな外装を纏い、見て乗って楽しめる素晴らしい車両は、みなさんの度肝を抜いたと思います。

最後に登場したのは、chabott Engineering Shinya Kimura の 1978 / 2018 Yamaha SR "Crystal Trophy"。2011年の来日以来2度目のゲスト Motorcycle として今年生誕40周年を迎える YAMAHA SR をモディファイした Crystal Trophy と共に日本に凱旋してくださいました。一目で分かるその手の込んだ作りに、終日彼のブースには沢山の人が押し寄せていました。

And Ride In are three more left. Built The Traditional Way / Justin Walls entered with his 1948 Harley Davidson UL "Blackbird"!! It is a race bike so, unfortunately, we could not see t run but tributing Joe Petrali's Blue Bird, his sense was built in the Motorcycle and it fascinated many people.

For the first time in a while, Roland Sands came back to HCS as a Guest! As a result of the Big Project, they made it just in time. Probably many people were surprised by the modern engine and the looks like back in that time is the one that can enjoy by ridding and looking it.

And the last one is chabott Engineering Shinya Kimura and his 1978 / 2018 Yamaha SR "Crystal Trophy". From the first visit in 2011, this is his second time as the Guest Motorcycle and to celebrate the 40th anniversary of YAMAHA SR he modified the Crystal Trophy. In the first sight you can tell the details and for all day many people came to his booth.
今年も豪華なゲストが揃い、Hot な一日がスタートしました。

Again this year with many great people and the Hot day started.


今年も会場中央で大きく展開した VANS ブース。開催前から反響が大きかった VANS X MOONEYES Shoes を求め、終日行列が絶える事はありませんでした。また、VANS ブース横で展開していた MOON Equipped "Little Guy" Key Chain Present 抽選も大好評だったようで、当選の鐘が鳴るたび、大きな歓声が上がっていました。

VANS Booth that is widely open at the center of the venue. VANS X MOONEYES Shoes was already a hot topic before the show, and to get the shoes there was the line up for all day. And the raffle of MOON Equipped "Little Guy" Key Chain Present was very popular and every time the winning bell rung, there were big cheers.

White's Boots

昨年に続き、Max Schaaf をゲストに迎え、4Q X White's Boots のコラボ ブーツを展開。Max のサイン会やフォトセッションもあり、沢山のファンが集まっていました。

Continued from last year, Max Schaaf is invited as the guest, and 4Q X White's Boots collaboration Boots was released. They also had Max's autograph, photo session, and many fans were gathered at their booth.


モダンなガレージ床材を提供する Swisstrax。ゲスト Car & Motorcycle を始め、エントリーしている Show Car や Motorcycle ブースにも前日多くの施工をされていました。

今年も商談ブースでは、沢山の商談が行われ、同ブース内にて、オリジナル Tシャツを販売していました。

Swisstrax that offers modern garage flooring. Beginning from Guest's Cars & Motorcycles, they were setting up many floorings of Show Car and Motorcycle Booth.

At the Bussiness Booth there were many successful businesses and at the same booth, they were selling the original T-shirt.


今年は PORK CHOP が CHALLENGER と "YOKOHAMA CHOPPERS" として出店。Pastel crayon project として、1台の Chopper を製作。 Show 限定のコラボアイテムも多数販売されていました。

This year PORK CHOP and CHALLENGER got together and participated as "YOKOHAMA CHOPPERS". As the Pastel crayon project, they built a Chopper. There was some Show Limited collaboration item on sale at their booth.

PORK CHOP Official Website

CHALLENGER Official Website

Harley-Davidson Japan

今年はホットロッドスタイルで楽しみ尽くすトライク Freewheeler, 封印を解かれたようなパフォーマンスとスタイルで魅了する FXDR114,攻めたスタイリングと妥協なきパフォーマンス Fat Bob 114 Custom の3台が HCS に登場!エンジンはもちろんパワフルかつスムーズな Milwaukee-Eight®

This year, TRIKE Freewheeler that enjoy through the Hot Rod style, FXDR114 with amazing performance and style and uncompromising performance Fat Bob 114 Custom was exhibited at HCS! And the engine is powerful and smooth Milwaukee-Eight®.

Official Website


軽量で耐久性に優れたガルバリウムの外観。天然杉の美しい表情が映えるナチュラルな室内空間。 日常から切り離された空間と、濃密な時間 を提供してくれる ROSHA が HCSに初出展。Motorcycle Shop や Photographer とコラボした Garage を展開し、沢山の方がこの空間に足を止めていました。

Light and durable Galvalume appearance. And the interior shows the beauty of natural cedar. ROSHA that offers the space that is cut out from the daily and gives a dense time. The showed the collaboration Garage with Motorcycle Shop and photographer and many people stop by to go in this space.

Official Website


HCS2018 では、4つの Band が会場を盛り上げてくれました。INTERNATIONAL VILLAGE で演奏した Elcaminos、さらにステージ上では Oh! Sharels、The Minnesota VOO DOO MEN、Jackie and the Cedrics が登場!今年は例年以上に Live Band が盛り上がり、沢山の方がメインステージに集まり、Cool なライブを楽しみました。

At HCS2018, four Bands liven up the venue. Elcaminos that performed at INTERNATIONAL VILLAGE and on the stage Oh! Sharels, The Minnesota VOO DOO MEN, and Jackie and the Cedrics performed! This year Live Bands were excited even more and many people gathered at the main stage and enjoyed the Cool Live.
例年以上に盛り上がりあっという間に Close を迎えた HCS2018。まだまだ Event Report は続きます。

Time flew so fast and HCS 2018 closed in a great success than last year. The Event Report will continue.
HCS2018 Report & Gallery Menu
Pinup Girl Contest
Pinstripe Gathering
L.G.T Party

〒220-0012 神奈川県横浜市西区みなとみらい1−1−1
1-1-1 Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-0012, Japan

Event Date
SUNDAY December 1, 2024
Nearest Hotel : Yokohama Intercontinental HotelMore Info

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