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Pinup Girl Contest
今年初の開催となった MOONEYES Pinup Girl Contest Present by Mitzi & CO. & Psycho Apparel 。MC は日本のピンナップアイコン Miwa Rock と Rina Bambina from USA が軽快なトークで盛り上げてくれました。さらに審査員には、Mr.L, Emily, Lady Weird, Rockin' Jerry Bean の豪華4名が座り、公平なジャッジが行われました。
沢山の応募から見事 Finalist に選ばれた 10名をご紹介致します。
The first MOONEYES Pinup Girl Contest Present by Mitzi & CO. & Psycho Apparel. And the MC was Japan's Pinup icon Miwa Rock and Rina Bambina from USA, and excited the stage with their talk.
The fair judge was by great member of Mr.L, Emily, Lady Weird, and Rockin' Jerry Bean.
Before the award we will introduce the 10 finalists decided from the several entrants.
Finalist 10名が集まり、厳正な審査の結果、3つの Award が発表されました。
10 Finalists was decided and after careful consideration, 3 Awards was announced.
10 Finalists was decided and after careful consideration, 3 Awards was announced.
Best Make up & Hair Style
Sacchin (JAPAN)
Miss Pinup Japan 2018
Best Pinup Outfit
pino pink (JAPAN)
初めての開催とは思えないぐらい盛り上がった 1st Annual MOONEYES Pinup Girl Contest 最後は全員でグループショット撮影を行い終了となりました。
It was excited as if it was not the first time to hold, and in the end 1st Annual MOONEYES Pinup Girl Contest has ended with a group photo.
It was excited as if it was not the first time to hold, and in the end 1st Annual MOONEYES Pinup Girl Contest has ended with a group photo.
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