HCS2024 Report & Gallery Menu
- HCS2024 Report & Gallery Menu

2024年12月1日(日)、パシフィコ横浜にて「32nd YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW」を開催しました。今年は快晴に恵まれ、寒さも和らいだ絶好のコンディションの中、多くの来場者が集まり、大盛況の一日となりました。
On Sunday, December 1, 2024, the "32nd YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW" was held at Pacifico Yokohama. This year, we were blessed with clear skies and mild weather, creating perfect conditions for the event. Many visitors gathered, making it a highly successful and vibrant day.

This year as well, many people arrived early in the morning, forming long lines that stretched outside the venue. Prioritizing safety above all, there were instances where we had to ask for some patience before allowing entry. We sincerely appreciate everyone’s understanding and cooperation.
MOONEYES ブースは会場中央から左右に分かれて展開。話題の「VANS X MOONEYES」ブース、昨年から導入した Illuminated signboard が目立った、 「MOONEYESブース」、さらに還暦を迎えたMOONEYES Pinstriper・Wildman 石井のスペシャルブースが初登場。両手にショップ バッグを抱え、笑顔でお店を後にする方々が印象的でした。
また、毎年好評の「Gangnam Gimbap X MOONEYES」は今年も新たな Wildman石井デザインの特製パッケージで登場。人気のキンパをはじめ、ヤンニョム チキンや10ウォン パンなどバラエティ豊かなフードが並び、多くの皆様に喜んでいただきました。
さらに "青森のリンゴで、皆様そして世界に笑顔を" をコンセプトにアップルパイやアップルジュースを生産・販売している TOKYO HARVEST ROOM ブースでは TOKYO HARVEST ROOM X MOONEYES のコラボアイテムに、絶品のアップルパイを提供し来場された皆様にお楽しみいただきました。
また、毎年好評の「Gangnam Gimbap X MOONEYES」は今年も新たな Wildman石井デザインの特製パッケージで登場。人気のキンパをはじめ、ヤンニョム チキンや10ウォン パンなどバラエティ豊かなフードが並び、多くの皆様に喜んでいただきました。
さらに "青森のリンゴで、皆様そして世界に笑顔を" をコンセプトにアップルパイやアップルジュースを生産・販売している TOKYO HARVEST ROOM ブースでは TOKYO HARVEST ROOM X MOONEYES のコラボアイテムに、絶品のアップルパイを提供し来場された皆様にお楽しみいただきました。
The MOONEYES booth spread out from the center of the venue to both sides. Highlights included the popular "VANS X MOONEYES" booth, the eye-catching Illuminated Signboard introduced from last year, and the debut of a special booth celebrating MOONEYES Pinstriper Wildman Ishii’s 60th birthday. It was heartwarming to see visitors leaving the booths with shop bags in hand and smiles on their faces.
Additionally, the popular "Gangnam Gimbap X MOONEYES" every year, returned this year with special packaging newly designed by Wildman Ishii. A variety of foods, including the beloved gimbap, yangnyeom chicken, and 10-won bread, delighted many visitors.
Meanwhile, the TOKYO HARVEST ROOM booth, whose concept is "Bringing smiles to everyone and the world with apples from Aomori," featured TOKYO HARVEST ROOM X MOONEYES collaboration items. Visitors also enjoyed their exquisite apple pies, adding to the event's excitement.
Additionally, the popular "Gangnam Gimbap X MOONEYES" every year, returned this year with special packaging newly designed by Wildman Ishii. A variety of foods, including the beloved gimbap, yangnyeom chicken, and 10-won bread, delighted many visitors.
Meanwhile, the TOKYO HARVEST ROOM booth, whose concept is "Bringing smiles to everyone and the world with apples from Aomori," featured TOKYO HARVEST ROOM X MOONEYES collaboration items. Visitors also enjoyed their exquisite apple pies, adding to the event's excitement.
午前8時、会場がオープンすると続々と来場者が入場。熱気が高まる中、会場裏ではライドインショーの準備が着々と進められていました。今年は HCS2023 Best Of Show Automobile & Motorcycle そして、USA からの Guest Car x1 , Guest Motorcycle x 5 が登場。さらに、HERO SPONSORとしてBMW Motorrad、Harley-Davidson、Indian Motorcycle、Royal Enfieldの4メーカー、さらに EXHIBITION として MOONEYES Imagineer emi の 1972 Chevrolet Vega Wagon "Sprightly Fairy" がライドインし、会場を沸かせました。
At 8:00 AM, the venue opened, and visitors began coming in the venue one after another. As the excitement built, preparations for the Ride-In Show were steadily underway behind the scenes. This year featured the HCS2023 Best of Show Automobile & Motorcycle, along with one guest car and five guest motorcycles from the USA.
Adding to the excitement, HERO SPONSORS included four major companies: BMW Motorrad, Harley-Davidson, Indian Motorcycle, and Royal Enfield. Also featured as a special EXHIBITION was MOONEYES Imagineer emi’s 1972 Chevrolet Vega Wagon, "Sprightly Fairy," which rode into the spotlight, exciting the audience.
As the guest car and motorcycles made their way down the main runway, the atmosphere inside the venue reached a fever! and was the perfect start to an unforgettable show!
Adding to the excitement, HERO SPONSORS included four major companies: BMW Motorrad, Harley-Davidson, Indian Motorcycle, and Royal Enfield. Also featured as a special EXHIBITION was MOONEYES Imagineer emi’s 1972 Chevrolet Vega Wagon, "Sprightly Fairy," which rode into the spotlight, exciting the audience.
As the guest car and motorcycles made their way down the main runway, the atmosphere inside the venue reached a fever! and was the perfect start to an unforgettable show!

Hot Bunny Diner / tomo. bunny
1949 Chevrolet Sport Coupe "LADY AMBER"

Jurassic Customs / Mr. Takizawa
1936 "KOSLOW"

Build by South City ROD & CUSTOM
1934 Ford Coupe "The St. Christopher Coupe"

(L) 2024 Born-Free 15 Best in Show
Luke Morris / CHOP Merchandise
1950 Harley Davidson Panhead "LiL BRUTE"
(R) 2024 Born-Free 15 Invited Builder 1st Place
Gary Royal / Beware Choppers
1945 Harley Davidson Knucklehead EL "HOT HEAD"

(L) Andy Carter / Pangea Speed
1957 Harley Davidson Panhead "California Gold"
(C) Anthony Robinson / Gasoline & Coffee
1973 Harley Davidson Shovelhead "The Naked Truth"
(R) Shinya Kimura / chabott engineering
1955 Harley Davidson WL "SILENT ARROW"

2024 Harley-Davidson Low Rider ST
(R)Royal Enfield Mr. Aikawa / SURESHOT
2024 Royal Enfield Shotgun 650 "SAMURAI"

(L)Indian Motorcycle Brittney Olsen 2025 Indian Scout
(R)BMW Motorrad
2024 BMW R 12

MOONEYES Imagineer emi
1972 Chevrolet Vega Wagon "Sprightly Fairy"

After the Ride-In finished, the traditional group photo was taken with all the guests gathered together. Amid the excitement, the Ride-In Show came to a close, marking a spectacular and successful start to the event.

今年は2年ぶりにVANSとタッグを組み、VANS X MOONEYES SLIP ON シューズを販売。さらに、2024年のコラボアイテムを購入した方を対象に、ガラポン抽選会を実施。限定非売品アイテムが当たるこの企画に、多くの来場者が参加し大いに盛り上がりました。
This year, for the first time in two years, we teamed up with VANS to release the VANS X MOONEYES SLIP-ON shoes. Additionally, a lottery draw using a garapon was held exclusively for customers who purchased the 2024 collaboration items. This exciting opportunity to win limited, non-sale items attracted many visitors and created a lively buzz throughout the event.

伝統のクラフツマンシップを誇る White’s Boots と、4Q Conditioning 主宰の Max Schaaf によるコラボレーション White’s×4Qシリーズ。その最新作として、White’s初のプルオンブーツ 4Q Pull On がショー会場で先行販売されました。さらに、来日した Max Schaaf 自身も会場に姿を見せ、多くのファンとの交流を楽しむ姿が印象的でした。
The collaboration between White’s Boots, known for its traditional craftsmanship, and Max Schaaf of 4Q Conditioning has the White’s × 4Q series. The latest release, the 4Q Pull-On boots, White’s first-ever pull-on boots, were available for pre-sale at the show. Additionally, Max Schaaf, who was visiting Japan, made an appearance at the venue, enjoying interactions with many fans.

BMW Motorrad
R nineT から進化した BMW モトラッドの新しいヘリテージモデル R 12 を題材にカスタムの可能性を探る R 12 カスタムプロジェクト。日本を代表する4組のビルダーが手がけた Custom Motorcycle が展示され、来場者の目を釘付けに。また、各ビルダーによるトークショーも開催されました。さらに、MOONEYES と Katies の Mr. Katsuya がタッグを組んで完成させた MOON Arrow も披露され、多くの注目を集めました。
The R 12 Custom Project explored the custom possibilities of BMW Motorrad's new heritage model, the R 12, which evolved from the R nineT. Four of Japan's leading builders showcased their custom motorcycles, captivating the attention of visitors. In addition, talk shows featuring the each builders were held. Furthermore, the collaboration between MOONEYES and Katies's Mr. Katsuya resulted in the unveiling of the MOON Arrow, which also attracted significant attention.

今年のハーレーダビッドソンブースでは、米国本社デザイナー Dais Nagao氏の監修のもと、カスタムショップJoyride Speed Shop が製作した世界で唯一の「ローライダーST」ストリートレーサーを初公開。HCS2024での展示が大きな話題を呼びました。ブース内では Dais Nagao氏と Joyride Speed Shop によるトークセッションや、ハーレー本社デザイン部門トップ Brad Richards氏のスピーチも実施。ハーレーダビッドソンの原点である“カスタム”の魅力を存分に感じられる空間が広がりました。
At this year's Harley-Davidson booth, under the supervision of U.S. headquarters designer Dais Nagao, the custom shop Joyride Speed Shop unveiled the world's one-and-only "Lowrider ST" street racer. The debut at HCS2024 generated a great deal of buzz. Inside the booth, a talk session featuring Dais Nagao and Joyride Speed Shop took place, along with a speech by Brad Richards, the head of Harley-Davidson's design department. The booth created a space where visitors could fully experience the allure of Harley-Davidson's roots in "custom" design.

Pabst Blue Ribbon
アメリカ・ウィスコンシン州ミルウォーキーで1844年に誕生したビールメーカー、Pabst Brewing Company が生産するラガービール Pabst Blue Ribbon。今回は Pabst Blue Ribbon X MOONEYES のコラボレーショングッズとして、Clothing、Air Freshener、Bumper Sticker を展開しました。ビンテージ感あふれる雰囲気のブースも注目を集め、多くの来場者が足を止める見どころの一つとなりました。
Founded in 1844 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Pabst Brewing Company produces the iconic lager beer Pabst Blue Ribbon. This year, as part of the Pabst Blue Ribbon X MOONEYES collaboration, a range of products including Clothing, Air Fresheners, and Bumper Stickers were released. The booth, with its vintage-inspired atmosphere, attracted significant attention and became one of the highlights, drawing many visitors to stop by.

ショー直前に BROSH の公式 Instagram で公開されたムービーが話題を呼んだ、BROSH X MOONEYES コラボ ポマードがついに登場。強力なホールド力と使いやすさを兼ね備えたこのアイテムは、多くの来場者の注目を集めました。Movie はこちら
BROSH caused a buzz with a video released on their official Instagram just before the show, and the BROSH X MOONEYES collaboration pomade finally made its debut. Combining strong hold and ease of use, this product captured the attention of many visitors at the event.
Check the movie from HERE.
Check the movie from HERE.

SURESHOT(シュアショット)が手がけたSHOTGUN 650ベースの Custom Motorcycle が世界初公開され、注目を集めました。さらに、ロイヤルエンフィールドの公式カスタムプログラム「Custom World」から、世界各地のカスタムビルダーとコラボしたバイクの中から、SHOTGUN 650とSUPER METEOR 650をベースにした2台の Custom Motorcycle も展示。加えて、昨年CHERRY’S COMPANYが製作したカスタムサイドカー「CHALLENGER」も登場し、多彩な魅力が詰まった展示となりました。
Royal Enfield unveiled the SHOTGUN 650 based custom motorcycle built by SURESHOT, making its world debut and drawing significant attention. Additionally, as part of Royal Enfield's official custom program, "Custom World", two custom motorcycles based on the SHOTGUN 650 and SUPER METEOR 650 were displayed, created in collaboration with custom builders from around the world. To further enhance the exhibition, the CHERRY'S COMPANY custom sidecar "CHALLENGER", built last year, was also showcased, creating a diverse and captivating display of custom creations.

ローランド・サンズがカスタムを手掛けた Sport Scout、アメリカのアンティーク・モーターサイクル・レーサーであり20th Century Racingの創設者でもあるブリトニー・オルセンが製作した Indian Scout、さらに Unique Custom Cycles のロナ・ノレンが手がけた Indian Scout など、数々の Custom Motorcycle が展示されました。それぞれの個性と職人技が光る車両が揃い、来場者を魅了しました。
Roland Sands customized the Sport Scout, which was among the many impressive custom motorcycles on display. Other highlights included an Indian Scout built by Brittney Olsen, an antique motorcycle racer and founder of 20th Century Racing, and another Indian Scout crafted by Ronna Norén of Unique Custom Cycles. Each bike showcased unique personalities and exceptional craftsmanship, captivating visitors with their distinctive styles and artistry.

人気の PORKCHOP GARAGE SUPPLY ブースでは、Pork Chop x Pabst Blue Ribbon のコラボアイテムに加え、MOONEYESとのトリプルコラボ商品も発売され、大きな注目を集めました。ユニークなデザインと限定アイテムがファンを魅了し、多くの来場者がブースに足を運びました。
At the popular PORKCHOP GARAGE SUPPLY booth, in addition to the Pork Chop x Pabst Blue Ribbon collaboration items, triple collaboration products with MOONEYES were also released, drawing significant attention. The unique designs and limited-edition items captivated fans, with many visitors stopping by to the booth to check out the exciting offerings.

FLAT4 X MOOEYES イベント限定Tシャツや Wildman 石井がドロウした 限定フラワーベースなど目玉アイテムも多数販売されました。さらにブース隣には 昨年 Best Volkswagen を獲得した 1967 Volkswagen Type-I が展示されました。
FLAT4 X MQQNEYES event-exclusive items were released from the show, including limited edition T-shirts and a flower vase designed by Wildman Ishii. Additionally, the 1967 Volkswagen Type-I, which won Best Volkswagen last year, was displayed.

昨年好評を博した RED WING SHOES × MOON Equipped のコラボアイテムに加え、今年はオリジナルのスノードームが登場。ブース内では、実際の店舗同様に足の計測を行うフィッティングサービスも提供され、来場者が自分にぴったりの靴を選べる体験ができました。
In addition to the highly popular RED WING SHOES × MOON Equipped collaboration items from last year, this year they released the debut of an original snow globe. The booth also offered a fitting service, allowing visitors to measure their feet just like in the actual store, providing them with the opportunity to find the perfect pair of shoes.

今年の BRIXTON では、Cyclezombies の Chase Stopnik が 主宰 する HWY デザインのスペシャル Tシャツが登場しました。
BRIXTON, a brand influenced by music, skateboarding, surfing, motorcycles, and street culture, featured a special HWY T-shirt at this year's booth, designed by Cycle Zombies’ Chase Stopnik.

今回は HARLEY-DAVIDSON FXBB カスタム、さらに INDIAN MOTORCYCLE カスタムとロードグライドCVO の補助輪システム& 般若バーを展示。さらには、BMW Motorrad の R 12 カスタムプロジェクト で登場した TRIJYA-style "Legal Weapon" R12 の量産モデルがお披露目となりました。 Dr. Jekill & Mr. Hyde Exhaust も好評で TRIJYA のオリジナル カスタム パーツの商談待ちの列が出来るほどでした。
This year, the exhibition featured the HARLEY-DAVIDSON FXBB custom, along with INDIAN MOTORCYCLE custom bikes and a Road Glide CVO equipped with a stabilizer system and Hannya bars. Additionally, the mass-production model of the TRIJYA-style "Legal Weapon" R12 from the BMW Motorrad R 12 Custom Project was unveiled. The Dr. Jekill & Mr. Hyde Exhaust received great attention, and there was even a line of people waiting to discuss TRIJYA's original custom parts.

「楽しくバイクに乗る」という純粋な気持ちを忘れない、遊び心あふれるスタイルを提案する EVILACT から EVILACT X MOONEYES 両社メインロゴを贅沢に散りばめたコットンコーチジャケット と、コットンイージーパンツ が登場。さらにブースには、Custom Motorcycle が展示されました。
From EVILACT, a brand that embodies the pure joy of riding and a playful style, came the EVILACT X MOONEYES collaboration. This collection featured a cotton coach jacket and cotton easy pants, both adorned with the main logos of both brands in a luxurious design. Additionally, a custom motorcycle was also showcased at the booth, adding to the appeal of the display.

ハーレーダビッドソン用パーツのディストリビューターである NEO FACTORY がスポンサーブースに登場。ヴィンテージな雰囲気をそのまま復刻された レプリカ74スプリンガーフォーク に沢山の注目が集まりました。
NEO FACTORY, a distributor of Harley-Davidson parts, appeared at the sponsor booth, drawing significant attention with the replica 74 springer fork, which was meticulously recreated to capture its vintage charm.

アメリカに本社を置く工業製品メーカーで、65年以上のも間プロフェッショナルに愛される最強の浸透性防サビ潤滑剤の WD-40 がスポンサーブースに登場。
WD-40 ブース内に展開した Air Freshener で有名な Little Trees は MOONEYES とコラボ Tシャツ を販売しました。
The American industrial products company WD-40, known for its powerful rust prevention and lubrication properties, appeared at the sponsor booth. Inside the WD-40 booth, Little Trees, famous for its air fresheners, collaborated with MOONEYES to sell exclusive t-shirts, attracting attention from visitors.

1991 年にアメリカ初のボーディング カンパニーとして設立され、「Youth Against establishment」というクリエイティブなレンズを通して、スケートボード、サーフィン、スノーボード、音楽、アートの文化をシームレスに組み合わせた VOLCOM が スポンサーブースに登場!VOLCOM X MOONEYES , VOLCOM X KEN THE FLATTOP のコラボ Clothing に オーストラリアの「SMITH CONCEPTS」によるカスタムペイントのスケートボードが当たる共同キャンペーンさらに会場限定 VOLCOM 非売品グッズが展開されました。
Founded in 1991 as the first American boarding company, VOLCOM made its appearance at the sponsor booth! Through the creative lens of "Youth Against Establishment," VOLCOM seamlessly combines the cultures of skateboarding, surfing, snowboarding, music, and art. At the booth, VOLCOM X MOONEYES and VOLCOM X KEN THE FLATTOP collaboration clothing were showcased. Additionally, a joint campaign offered custom-painted skateboards by Smith Concepts from Australia as prizes, along with exclusive, limited-edition VOLCOM items that were only available at the event.

4th Annual MOONEYES Pin-Up Girl Contest
昨年に引き続き、フォトグラファーの Mitzi & co. の全面協力により、Psycho Apparel Presents 4th Annual MOONEYES Pin-Up Girl Contest を開催しました。
Following from last year, the 4th Annual MOONEYES Pin-Up Girl Contest was held once again with full cooperation from photographer Mitzi & co., presented by Psycho Apparel.
The main stage was instantly transformed into a vibrant spectacle as 10 finalists from both Japan and overseas took the spotlight.

各自アピールタイムが行われ、厳選な審査を行い、いよいよ Award の発表です!
Each finalist had their own appeal time, followed by a rigorous judging process. Finally, the award will be annnounced!

(L)1st Place Madeleine Mayhem (Australia)
(C)2nd Place Francie Flathead (Australia)
(R)3rd Place Alisa Deville (Japan)
Congratulations to theawrs winners!
(L)1st Place Madeleine Mayhem (Australia)
(C)2nd Place Francie Flathead (Australia)
(R)3rd Place Alisa Deville (Japan)

フィナーレはファイナリスト全員での記念撮影。今年も大盛況となった「Pinup Girl コンテスト」は、多くの熱い声援に包まれながら華やかに幕を閉じました。
For the finale, finalists gather for a memorable group photo. Surrounded by cheers and excitement, the Pin-Up Girl Contest concluded in spectacular fashion, marking another successful year.
International Village では THE EL CAMINOS が迫力の演奏を披露し、Main Stage では OH! SHARELS、Minnesota Voodoo Men、Jackie and the Cedrics とお馴染みのメンバーが登場。一日中、ショー会場を音楽で盛り上げてくれました。
At the International Village, THE EL CAMINOS delivered a powerful performance, while the Main Stage featured familiar bands like OH! SHARELS, Minnesota Voodoo Men, and Jackie and the Cedrics. Throughout the day, the music brought energy and excitement to the event, keeping the atmosphere lively and vibrant.

今年のYOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW は、例年以上に熱気に包まれた会場で、あっという間の一日となりました。イベントレポートはまだまだ続きますので、ぜひお楽しみください!
This year’s YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW was filled with even more excitement and energy than usual, making it an unforgettable day. The event report will continue, so stay tuned and enjoy more highlights to come!
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